View Full Version : Self-Portrait using the Honl 1/8" Speed Grid

Sean Setters
03-15-2009, 05:47 PM
So I got my Honl 1/8" Speed Grid ("http://www.honlphoto.com/servlet/the-23/HonlPhoto-1-fdsh-8-Speed-Grid/Detail) in the mail the other day and had to try it out. The speed grid is fitted onto the end of a flash and it creates a ciruclar flash that is bright in the middle and falls off around the edges quite nicely. It can be used for many things, however, my main interests lie in making backgrounds a little more interesting. I've used bare and snooted flashes before, but the effect of this light modifier is quite nice.

What i wanted to do with this shot was to create an image that was reminiscent of a poster for a classic horror movie. I didn't want the image to be graphic, per se, but I wanted I wanted it to leave the viewer with an eerie feeling while invoking curiosity at the same time. After some test shots, I ended up putting the flash with the speed grid on a lightstand and raised it nearly to the ceiling. Then I pointed the flash downward so that all the important elements of the shot would be left in silhouette. What I didn't intend was for the flash (and its reflection on the hallway wall) to make the shape of a heart. I wasn't sure how I felt about it, however, I've really come to like the shot and may try to re-create the effect on a different (non horror-like) shot.

strobist info: 1 Vivitar 285HV, camera left behind subject, 1/4 power, shot through a Honl 1/8" Speed Grid.


03-15-2009, 06:35 PM
I love this. It's really nice!

Little details like the glove really work and the lighting is superb for what you intended.

Great great work. Seriously.

Joel Bookhammer
03-15-2009, 09:58 PM
Didnt notice the heart until you mentioned it. On my screen it does look like a glove but it also looks like the butt end of a shotgun.

03-15-2009, 10:01 PM
AMazing thats all i can say nice work im impressed

Sean Setters
03-15-2009, 11:04 PM
It is in fact the butt end of a gun...a .410/.22 Long rifle to be exact. My dad purchased it when he was traveling through Indiana a few months ago. I think he had one when he was a boy and just wanted to own one again. Unfortunately, we haven't had the chance to get out and fire it because we just don't have access to a good firing range that's close and convenient.

I did in fact do as much as I could to flesh out the details in this photo. When I did my first test shots, I was wearing a t-shirt and flip-flops. When I saw how cool the shots looked on the LCD, I went all out and put on my boots and flannel shirt (with the sleeves rolled up). It was quite hot inside the apartment as it was one of the warmest days we've had this spring, but I suffered through about 30 shots before I had the look I wanted. I tried to be very careful in how I held the gun (to make its silhouette recognizable while still looking natural) and to convey a certain disconnected presence with my body posture.

As I mentioned, I didn't intend to make the heart-shaped light. I didn't notice it until after posting the picture to flickr, in fact. However, after I noticed it, it's all I can see when I look at the picture. It looks like one of those small (yet obvious) details that make a good movie poster.

Keith B
03-15-2009, 11:44 PM
I shot this with 580EX II with Honl 1/4 Grid as Key, 580EX II with Honl 1/8 as edge and 430EX with Gary Fong Lightsphere as background fill.

Love the Honl's.


03-16-2009, 01:21 AM
^*not being lured into Sean's house, no matter how many free cookies.... is skeered...*

Good work![:)]