View Full Version : Elora Falls - Ice and high water

Steve Spencer
12-31-2008, 05:06 PM
The small town I live in has a very nice waterfall and lately there has been a lot of rain and melting snow and then a cold snap. This has led to some very high water in the river and some lovely ice formations at the falls. Below are some shots of them. Comments and critiques are appreciated.


Bryan Carnathan
01-01-2009, 11:26 AM
Those are nice Steve. That looks like a fun place to shoot - raging water and lots of ice. I personally like the first shot best - It's hard to say without being there, but it might look a little better if you showed a little more water at the bottom of the frame.

Another idea is to shoot some longer exposures to create motion blur in the water.

Steve Spencer
01-01-2009, 01:29 PM
Hi Bryan,

Thanks for the comments. I really appreciate your taking the time. Your comments are good ones. I would have loved to have gotten more in from the bottom of the frame on the first one, but the view is restricted and that shot represents really all you can get without being in the river, which would obviously not be too smart. You are right that some slower shutter speeds might have been nice. I was focussing on catching the power of the river so went with faster speeds to catch the spray, but I should have taken some slower shots as well.

Best wishes and thanks for putting this forum together,
