View Full Version : Sports at Night ISO-6400

03-26-2009, 07:31 PM
Tell me what you think. This wasa night game and barely enough lighting to shoot.

Canon Mark 1D III

ISO-6400 F/3.5 1/500


Sinh Nhut Nguyen
03-26-2009, 07:34 PM
Looks good in this mall size, just a bit bright on my screen. If you have faster glass, I wouldn't mine using f/2.8 or larger.

03-26-2009, 07:45 PM
My monitor is calibrated. Usually everything looks darker on my screen. Most shots were at F/2.8. Here is a full sized cropped image. 5x7 look great when printed. Anything larger than 16x20 will show the noise/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer.Components.UserFiles/

Sinh Nhut Nguyen
03-26-2009, 08:01 PM
My monitor is calibrated also, perhapsI like this image a bit darker. The 100% crop shows noise, but can't really ask more from ISO 6400. It's good to know when the situation calls, ISO 6400 is there.

03-26-2009, 08:25 PM
Thanks for the feedback

03-26-2009, 10:00 PM
That looks damn good for ISO 6400. Noise is as bad or worse just at 400 on my 350D... @_@

Very nice capture though.

03-26-2009, 10:23 PM
That looks superb. The 1D III really doesn't get much attention when it comes to high ISO noice because the D3 was such a monster, but it's damn good... I would shoot at 6400 anytime, and it's very pleasant noise at that, not very colorfulm very grain like.

03-27-2009, 10:25 AM
It's amazing how much better the high ISOsettings have become. I use a1DMKII andcan't really use images shotat ISO 1600. I'm shooting a high school soccer playoff game tonight and wishing I had the MKIII.

I saw a fellow last week with a 1-series body anda EF400mm F/2.8 L IS USM. He was on the opposite sidelines, but Ihad to go see his rig. Hehad a 580EXII on a remote mount and then 580's or 430's mounted onhomemade brackets hanging off the sides of his monopod. It looked like it might fly or vaporize insects or something. It definetly FLASHED, sort of like lightning hitting one of thestadium light poles. It was certainly a unique way to deal with bad light.

03-27-2009, 10:35 AM
Let me just say good luck with the soccer. When I shoot the game in the picture there were soccer fields in the out field at the same park. At ISO6400 I couldn't even get a shutter speed faster than 1/200 at F/2.8. So I only shoot what I could. Hopefully you will have some better lighting.

03-29-2009, 12:59 AM

I did my best. 1DMKII, EF70-200MM F/2.8 L IS USM @ 125MM, Tv, ISO-1250, F/4.5, 1/250

03-29-2009, 05:47 PM
Is there any good reason why the aperture was set to 4.5 and not 2.8?

Bill M.
03-29-2009, 09:44 PM
Looks like he was shooting in Tv, so the camera just set the aperture at 4.5 to get the proper exposure for 1/250.

03-29-2009, 11:56 PM
Is there any good reason why the aperture was set to 4.5 and not 2.8?
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I usually get better results with Tv at night shoots. If you set Av and F/2.8, you may get shutter speeds (especially in the end zones and near the sidelines) too slow to stop motion blur. I also find F/2.8 establishes a depth-of-field so shallow that I can't keep two players in focus if the run shoulder-to-shoulder parallel to my shooting position.

Everything at night is a compromise... Her's an Av shot with the lens wide open.


XTi, EF70-200MM F/2.8 L IS USM @ 200MM, Av, F/2.8, ISO-1600, 1/160