View Full Version : Equipment needed for this type of portrait?

03-12-2013, 01:47 AM
I'm hoping to take some photos like this of my wife, but I'm not sure what I need for these types of photos:
http://linnealenkus.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/maternity-photography-pink.jpg http://marissavargasonphotography.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/blog21.jpg

I have an external flash with a 6' cable. I'm planning on buying this background stand (http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/437786-REG/Impact_3046_Background_Support_System.html), and some black paper to go with it. Will the flash be enough or will I need a constant light? Are they using a softbox? How do they get everything so black? Level adjustments?

03-12-2013, 02:18 AM
Use of an umbrella would be the cheapest route. You shouldn't need a fancy strobe for this, but if you had one with a modeling light, it might help you see the shadows better.

03-12-2013, 02:28 AM
I am sure there are others with more relevent portraiture background than me, but you may want to try black velvet cloth (or velour for something a little cheaper) instead of paper. I bought a couple yards at a fabric store to use for a black background. It really absorbs the light well and eliminates any reflections or hot spots. Just need to keep it away from shedding animals.

I like it for macro work.

Sean Setters
03-12-2013, 04:12 AM
A softbox would be ideal for this type of application because it would limit the amount of light spilling onto the background. An umbrella (even one with a black backing) isn't as directional.

03-12-2013, 08:08 AM
Hi, I would suggest trying simplest things first. I believe a shot like this could be done by a northern window provided you can get some distance to a dark background that’s not lit by the window. You should try to get her as close to the window as possible to increase the contrast between subject/background. An open door to a room without windows/lightsources could provide a good background. Another possible background is a wall a few meters from the window covered with black fabric.

Depending on how well you’re able to separate the light to the subject from the background, you may get some detail in the dark background. This can be made entirely black with blackpoint adjustment (levels) and/or local adjustments in post processing.

(This is how I would try to do it without owning any large softbox. But of course, if you have access to professional light modification gear it could make things easier.)

NFLD Stephen
03-12-2013, 11:37 AM
Some good suggestions so far; I agree with Sean that a softbox would be a good modifier for this type of shot. The westcott Apollo series seems quite good and not too expensive (I personally have the apollo Orb which has the bonus of giving nicely shaped catchlights in the eyes). An apollo orb softbox was used for this shot (with an umbrella used for fill) and black fabric for the background. Separation from the background also helps to keep it full black, but if some light spills then you can darken it additionally in post if necessary.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8497/8313603059_329ee51814_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nfld_stephen/8313603059/)
Expecting (http://www.flickr.com/photos/nfld_stephen/8313603059/) by NFLD Stephen (http://www.flickr.com/people/nfld_stephen/), on Flickr

Something else I noticed about the picture is that it seems to me like the lighting on her left hand does not match the lighting directly above on her belly. The light on the belly seems to be fading away, but the hand on that side still seems well lit. If you want both hands to be well lit like this you may need another flash to direct some light at the hand furthest from the light (perhaps with a snoot to keep the light from spilling on the belly and keeping that light fall-off). But maybe I'm just overcomplicating it...you may be able to just position her left hand a little more forward so it catches the light better.


03-12-2013, 01:15 PM
NFLD, what type of background did you use? Paper or some sort of cloth material? My father has one of those construction lights, I'm going to experiment with that first by either using my 5 in 1 reflector disc, one of them is a defuser. The shadowing is what I really want, I don't want it to go from light to no light. Hopefully this will work as I'm not planing on buying expensive lighting for this as I don't think I'll have much use of it.

Although I have been looking at sub $200 CFL lightboxes, but thought probably wouldn't be for awhile since I need to buy this background stand as well. Would a constant light in a softbox work too or would a softbox with a flash inside it be required?

03-13-2013, 12:09 AM
I am not one to be able to give any lighting suggestions but black velour for a background would be ideal. I use mine alot! Also, in the first two shots posted above, it looks to me that overlays were used in post to get that look.

NFLD Stephen
03-13-2013, 11:15 AM

I actually used a black bed-sheet taped to the wall for this shot. I also had a bit of light spillage on the background and some of the detail was visible, so I simply burned these areas in post to ensure the background was fully black. If you are buying a background, just make sure it is a matte-type finish if possible. It will help keep it looking fully black if any errant light does hit it.

I can't see any reason why a constant light source wouldn't work in a softbox, but keep in mind that it would have to be quite bright or else you would have to eliminate all other ambient sources of light. Typically flashes/strobes are much brighter (although shorter duration) so that you can overpower the ambient if required and adjust your appeture/shutter/iso to ensure the only light which is captured in your photo is from the flash.


04-29-2013, 07:14 PM
strobist is right answer

For these shoots I use a yongnuo 560 manual flah and chinese trigger and black background



04-29-2013, 09:47 PM
I have an example that might help also. I shot a maternity session for a friend. I used one Apollo 28x28 softbox with 580ex II. I used the softbox instead of an umbrella as some suggested for light spill control. Black background was 4 yards of fleece fabric from local crafts store on a background stand. You may be okay with your cable, but longer cable and cheap ebay triggers work also. Poses were limited as she was due any day and she is also very conservative. I had to ask a couple times to get a shot showing her belly.


10-10-2013, 11:18 AM
An interesting example and good result I think.