View Full Version : Landscape Lenses

04-12-2013, 03:08 PM
Re: Today's list of landscape lenses, I would also throw in the Tokina 11-16 2.8. Love this lens (I have the first version), and wish I had more reason to use it. Really debating what to do with it now that I have a full frame camera. It's still useable at 16mm, so I might just hang onto it.

04-12-2013, 04:15 PM
By far my favorite landscape lens is the 24mm f3.5L TS. It requires time and discipline, but the flexibility and results can't be easily matched. I tend to use HDR and pano techniques with this lens, so needing a shorter focal length is not an issue. Combined w the 70-200 f2.8L II, I can capture all the focal length range needed. If I'm rushed, I substitute the 16-35 2.8L II for the TS and I can work faster and still cover most subjects (minus the perspective control possible w the TS). Here are some examples of vertical stiched HDR panos w the 24 TS:18081809

I shot the Druid arch scene w the 16-35 at the same time and have to say that the TS rendered the scene much mere effectively since I shifted it up to keep the arch standing straight rather than leaning back. The disadvantage of the HDR/pano approach is the loss of detail in the vegetation due to it being a very windy day. I have considered adding the 24-105 f4L IS so I have a good walking around landscape lens - the TS is really best suited to a tripod.

04-12-2013, 06:00 PM
Vern, beautiful shots. Thanks for posting those. You were a long way from home on those Canyonland shots. Fun place to visit, isn't it?

04-15-2013, 02:02 AM
Vern, beautiful shots. Thanks for posting those. You were a long way from home on those Canyonland shots. Fun place to visit, isn't it?

Thanks - still much to learn in the post capture processing so appreciate the feedback. Can't wait to get back to the Needles District - visited early March last year. I think the snow added a lot to the landscapes, though it was a bit cold in the tent at night.