View Full Version : Spring Soccer

04-10-2009, 06:54 PM
This was my first time back on the field after a LONG winter. I'm still new to this (less than a year) but I am looking for feedback. I think I have the basics down reasonably well, so I am particularly interested in things like composition, cropping etc. However, any and all comments are appreciated. All shots taken with a 30D, 70-200 f4 L, the rest of the details are with each shot.

1) Manual, ISO 100, AV f/4, TV 1/1600, cropped and resized for the web.


2) AV mode (I think), ISO 200, AV f/4, tv 1/2000, cropped and resized.



David McKinny

04-10-2009, 11:59 PM
Nice shots! I'm also under a year of expiriance with a DSLR so my opinions are deffinatly not what to go by haha. But I would just say with composition watch out for the subject being in the middle. Just a casual viewer, I'm by no means an expirienced sports photographer.

Do you like the 70-200 f4 L lens? Is it fast enough for soccer games on a cloudy day? I'm shooting my school's team this year and have one of the 70-200s on my "to buy" list . I just need to decide what one.

04-11-2009, 03:16 PM

Thanks for the comments, your right I need to be more careful cropping.

I've used my lens in bright sun, cloudy days, fog and indoors occasionally. What I have found is that on heavily overcast days, or close to sunrise or sunset, it can be a little challenging to get a fast shutter speed. I have shot some outdoor soccer early morning, on a cloudy day and I had to push the ISO to 800 or 1600. Which one to get is a very hard choice unless you are flush with money. If you are going to be more than a hobbiest, I would prioritize like this, apeture first, IS second. Last time I looked the f4 IS and the f2.8 non IS were very close in price. If that was my price range I would get the 2.8 non-IS, given the shooting priority is soccer.

However, if cost is a major issue, as it was for me, you can get away with the f4 non-IS, just know that there are limitations.

David McKinny

04-11-2009, 07:07 PM
I love shooting soccer. Catching the players in the air, especially keepers, makes for a fun afternoon or evening. Plus, you can capture emotion. Football players are so hidden in equipment that you loose the emotional connection to the subjects.


1DMKII, EF400 F/2.8L IS USM, Av, F/4.0, ISO-100, 1/1600