View Full Version : 40D Shutter Release Button Not Working

Sinh Nhut Nguyen
04-13-2009, 06:27 PM
I experience a phenomenon where my 40D's shutter release buttondoes notwork properly. When I fully press the buttonit does nottrigger ashot, I press it again and it works, it happens sorandomly that I don't know when the button works and when it does not.

I fixed the problem by turning the camera off and pressing the release button down for about 100 times, I also did a circular motion while the button was fully pressed. The camera works fine for now. Has anybody experience the same problem? I have the feeling that my 18-month-old 40D's shutter release button is wearing out.

Thanks for your help.

Daniel Browning
04-13-2009, 06:35 PM
I had that problem with my 20D sometimes, but only when I had been pushing it pretty hard (with high FPS). I'm pretty sure you're not talking about the times when it wont take the picture because it couldn't lock focus: that's not really a problem per se.

Sinh Nhut Nguyen
04-13-2009, 06:41 PM
Thanks for the reply Daniel, no I wasn't talking about times when it won't take the picture because it can't lock focus. I use my 40D daily so I know when it's nice and when it's naughty[:)]

Tom Alicoate
04-13-2009, 06:49 PM
I have not had this exact problem before on my 40D, but I did havesome problems withmy son's PS2 controller.one buttonjust needed to be cleaned because it would stick ever so slightly. Your process probably accomplished it to some degree. I am not sure if there is a good way to get in there maybe some slightly rough paper worked around the edge of the button could clean the sidewalls a little. The other problem was with the button not working due to the underlying rubber being ripped. That button had a small rubber "blister" for lack of a better word that would provide the spring force/resistance for the button. When it broke the button worked intermittently. This resulted in a purchase of a new controller. You could tell that this was the issue because the feel of the button was different. There was more play in it. I can't image the buttons on the camera are very different underneath. If someone else knows I would be interested to hear also.


Sinh Nhut Nguyen
04-13-2009, 06:59 PM
Tom, thanks for the reply

I forgot to mention that I did a 10-mile hike yesterday in a very dry and dusty environment with my camera hanging around my neck for the entire day. Maybe some dust got slipped under the button.

When this problem happened first thought was of mykeyboard and my PS controller, I beat the heck out of those two too, but they're easy to clean and fairly cheap to replace. BTW I don't think the rubber "blister" broke because the feel of the button is still normal and is exactly like the one on the vertical grip.

06-25-2009, 11:22 AM
I have posted pictures on how I fixed mine 40D shutter button! http://www.pbase.com/tobbenh/40dshutter If you follow this you do it at your own risk!

06-25-2009, 11:47 AM
Try taking battery out, putting it back in , this is what happened to me and now it works perfect.

06-25-2009, 03:59 PM
That's super helpfull... thanks Tobben.

Hopefully I won't need to do it though at all, and if I do, I hope that my 5 year mack warranty would cover it at the time.

Anyhow, you showed how to open it, but you didn't explain how to FIX it. I saw a similar video on youtube (was that you?), what he did there was to open it (like you did), clean the button and then close it back - is that what you did as well?

Sinh Nhut Nguyen
06-25-2009, 04:35 PM
Wow this thread just came out of nowhere. Right when I just experienced this problem again few days ago.

Tobben, you have a lot of guts fixing that yourself, well I consider anybody that can open up their camera and fix thing themselves very courageous.

BE S, It could be a battery problem. I've found that the battery indicator on the 40D when using withthe vertical grip is not very accurate. It shows the charge level full even though I use the two batteries for along time. I normally charge my battery everytime I go out for a shoot, because of the June gloom here in Sol Cal I knew that I wouldn't shoot a lot on my outings so I didn't charge my battery. When the problem occured, I put in afresh chargedbattery and the camera worked fine.

06-26-2009, 05:58 PM
I also had an issue with the electronics in my 40d that prevented to use of the shutter and iso button from working. Canon provided free shipping both ways for my still in warrenty camera. My camera was gone about less than a week. They replaced some interals and haven't had a problem since.

I'm not sure if its the exact same problem but I have had a good experience with Canon's service.

06-26-2009, 07:30 PM
When this problem happened first thought was of mykeyboard and my PS controller, I beat the heck out of those two too, but they're easy to clean and fairly cheap to replace. BTW I don't think the rubber "blister" broke because the feel of the button is still normal and is exactly like the one on the vertical grip.
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Bingo! I'd suspect problems with your vertical grip. This happens on my girlfriend's 40D with increasing frequency lately. Sometimes removing/replacing the grip solves the problem, but once or twice I've had to put the camera together grip-less to get it to function. Makes me wish Canon made their battery doors and grips like my old Minolta (the grip had space for the camera's battery door still attached in its native position; no door removal necessary).

06-26-2009, 07:53 PM
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I just ran across this posting where I have to say that my 40D
gives me fits with the shutter button. It is very frustrating
because sometimes the camera requires me to really press down hard on
the shutter button where this extra muscle exertion/movement causes
unwanted camera shake. Sometimes I even have to press the
shutter button down a couple of times very quickly where it causes me
to loose that one moment where I need to capture that perfect image.
I have tried everything besides sending it in but it does it so
randomly that Canon may think I'm crazy. I've noticed that this
glitch happens more when the camera is presented with lower light
situations but it always does it in the worst moments. I've gone into
the custom menu and played around with some of the functions like
"Lens drive when AF impossible" Focus search on, where
sometimes I think it's helped but other times I say crap.

I have my camera set up where I use the back exposure lock button
to set focus. I had to switch the operation of this button with the
AF-ON so that my BG-E2N battery grip would operate in the same way.
So with this set up the shutter button when pressed half way sets
exposure and when you press it the rest of the way the image is
taken. Whether my camera has the focus set or not as determined by
the green dot in the view finder the camera will take the picture, so
this issue is not related to the camera not taking the picture
because it thinks it has not achieved focus.

It addition the camera's shutter button does not feel as smooth as
when it was new. Another related issue that I feel is different
about the camera is that it seems like your finger has to be directly
in the center of the button where you have to press in a perfect
downward motion. I understand that this is the way buttons work
but it did not require this in its first year of service. When
the camera was new it would snap the shutter if you blew on it. I
rely on super sensitive buttons/controls because I am a
photojournalist/sports photographer where I am usually running around
by the seat of my pants, sweat dripping off my head, sweaty
fingers/hands, and all. Moments happen so quickly that
sometimes I'm not usually set up waiting for them. Most of the time I
am moving around and scanning with my eyes where I pop my camera up
and need a shot in as little time as possible. My trigger finger
usually floats back and forth between the grip and the shutter button
where at times it isn't in the perfect alignment with the button.

My camera's is in perfect condition where I take excellent care of
it but it has seen some drizzle and very dusty conditions through
it's service. One answer may be that I just need to spring for
the pro body. Someday soon hopefully Canon will make the 1D Mark 4
with all the additions of the 50D/5D Mark 2 plus retain the higher
end buttons and switches. This would be the better option for me
then upgrading to the 5D Mark II. The 40D has been a great camera but
this button issue is very frustrating! I also have a 30D that has
seen a lot of use and it does not do this.

Do any of these problems that I mention sound like the ones that
you are having Sinh Nhut Nguyen?

06-26-2009, 08:04 PM
I have tried everything besides sending it in but it does it so
randomly that Canon may think I'm crazy.

My camera's is in perfect condition where I take excellent care of
it but it has seen some drizzle and very dusty conditions through
it's service. One answer may be that I just need to spring for
the pro body. Someday soon hopefully Canon will make the 1D Mark 4
with all the additions of the 50D/5D Mark 2 plus retain the higher
end buttons and switches. This would be the better option for me
then upgrading to the 5D Mark II.
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Send it in. Canon's going to look at the internals, and most likely replace the shutter switch as part of their repair estimate. Besides, as I've been told by Canon, if you send something to them for repair, and you decide you don't like the estimate and want to skip the work, they pay to ship the gear back to you.

Rumor says the 1D4 is coming soon, though (since it's rumor) the specifics are still hazy.

Sinh Nhut Nguyen
06-27-2009, 05:08 AM
BThornhill: I would send it in to Canon, fix is about $180-250.

Here's the quick fix that I've tried and it's worked both time (however read above for my comment on the battery).

-Turn off thecamera

-Press the button for about 20-30 times

-Do a circular motion (twisting) every time while the button is being pressed down.

Try those steps first, then try the battery. If it works, it will work for a while, problem will occur again because the contacts beneath the button are dirty and the only way to permanently fixthis problemis to open it and clean it. Good luck and please let me and others know the result, thanks.

06-29-2009, 01:33 PM
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<p style="margin-bottom: 0in;"]Thanks for the two responses
considering my post. This problem is most likely from the
accumulation of all the dust and moisture but the only kicker is that
my 30D has seen a lot more dust and moisture as well as shutter
actuations and it's shutter button still works flawlessly. Side note:
Those where some pretty good macro photos that Tobben posted of his
dismantled camera. Great job Tobben and thanks for posting them. I'm a pretty bold individual where I've
taken apart my 17-55mm IS lens to clean the dust prone front element
but his tear down of the entire camera body looks insane.

Vlad Xp
06-29-2009, 02:02 PM
Add me to the list of people with the shutter button having intermittent issues. My 40D was purchased in August '08. Occasionally (more often now) I have to press it all the way down and hard for it to work. Such force on the side of the camera causes motion blur, and is really annoying.[:@] I'll try all of the suggestions mentioned in this thread, and post here later with the results.

Sinh Nhut Nguyen
11-09-2009, 09:23 PM
I finally have had enough with my 40D shutter release button problem. So I brought it in to Canon and the charge is $180. They also clean your sensor and mirror while they're at it, a $30 value (used to be free though).

I will update you guys when I pick up my camera.


Sinh Nhut Nguyen
11-11-2009, 01:38 PM
Got a call from Canon yesterday and went to pick up my camera. They cleaned and changed the shutter release button unit and also the main board (whatever this is I don't know). Everything was $180 and I was left only one day without the camera.

11-11-2009, 05:06 PM
Wow, that was super quick! I'm happy for ya Nate.

Did you ask why the hell they had to replace the main board?

Sinh Nhut Nguyen
11-11-2009, 07:06 PM
I did ask why, the receptionist didn't know. He just said, the technician also replace the main board, a $67 value, which I got for free [:)]

11-11-2009, 07:45 PM
My girlfriend just got her 40D back from Canon NJ. $180 (listed as just labor) plus tax and shipping, and they replaced the "dial assembly". Interesting that there's no parts charge. We also recently got our 16-35/2.8II back from Canon NJ - $90 (listed as just labor)+T/S, and they replaced the filter ring assembly. Maybe parts have a lifetime warranty or something, because I can't fathom why they aren't charging for them.

04-04-2010, 08:17 PM
Just to update this page, I went ahead and tore my 40D camera down to get to the shutter button mechanism. The whole thing went as planned and so far I am really happy with the out come. Have not put the camera through its paces to see if this fix will hold up for any length of time but if it doesn't then I know I can take it back apart and order a new shutter button from Canon. Still a good camera body where I don't feel the urgency to upgrade to one of the newer crop bodies just yet.



04-05-2010, 12:51 AM
I had the same problem in addition to the ISO button not working. I sent my camera under-warranty to canon and they fixed it for for and payed for shipping both ways.

04-05-2010, 01:25 AM
mine was out of warranty and that's why I even considered taking it apart.