View Full Version : New Nikon 80-400 vs Canon 100-400L

11-06-2013, 03:44 PM
I know we aren't supposed to compare images taken on different bodies, but, doing so anyway:rolleyes:, it looks like the Nikon is better at shorter focal lengths (http://www.the-digital-picture.com/Reviews/ISO-12233-Sample-Crops.aspx?Lens=915&Camera=614&Sample=0&FLI=1&API=1&LensComp=113&CameraComp=453&SampleComp=0&FLIComp=0&APIComp=1), but the Canon is killing the new Nikon (http://www.the-digital-picture.com/Reviews/ISO-12233-Sample-Crops.aspx?Lens=915&Camera=614&Sample=0&FLI=5&API=0&LensComp=113&CameraComp=453&SampleComp=0&FLIComp=7&APIComp=0) at 400 mm. At least to my eye, they are pretty even between 200 mm (http://www.the-digital-picture.com/Reviews/ISO-12233-Sample-Crops.aspx?Lens=915&Camera=614&Sample=0&FLI=3&API=2&LensComp=113&CameraComp=453&SampleComp=0&FLIComp=3&APIComp=2) and 300 mm (http://www.the-digital-picture.com/Reviews/ISO-12233-Sample-Crops.aspx?Lens=915&Camera=614&Sample=0&FLI=4&API=1&LensComp=113&CameraComp=453&SampleComp=0&FLIComp=5&APIComp=1), with maybe a slight edge to the Nikon

While I see the new Nikon as much better from 80-135 mm and roughly even 200-300 mm, greater than 95+% percent of my shots are at 400 mm, so I'd still pick the Canon. Granted, I really hope that Canon updates the 100-400L.

11-06-2013, 08:09 PM
I haven't used that comparison tool much, but to my eye the 400mm Nikon D3x looks like my 60D at 400mm. I didn't think much of it until I read your post. I had not realized that the D3x is a FF camera. Not a great showing for Nikon's latest.

I will say I envy the general detail given by FF cameras, especially at longer zoom focal lengths.

11-06-2013, 10:33 PM
GMW....first post...welcome to the forum!

You are right, the Nikon D3x was (is? it is $1-2k more than the D4) Nikon's top of the line FF camera. It's 24.5 MP is actually greater than the 1Ds III's 21.1 MP. So it even has a slight resolution advantage.

I just find the lens comparison interesting after reading so much about Sony/Nikon's sensors. I am not trying to take anything away from Nikon, but what you put in front of the sensor matters too.