View Full Version : While you are shooting...

04-21-2009, 06:47 PM
while you are shooting what isnpires you ? what kinds of music do you listen to while shooting? what do you like to shoot and why? this is open talk and inspiring to others as well.

04-21-2009, 07:56 PM
My kids inspire me to take pictures. All I have to do to get good pictures is take my kids outside and have my 70-200 f/4 on my Digital Rebel. They usually take care of the rest.


04-21-2009, 09:48 PM
wow thats nice i like the photo i suggest that in black and white though .. :)

04-22-2009, 08:41 AM
Hmm what inspires me.....when on a gig its getting atleast 2 shots of every racer in each event lest my boss chew me out. Music is generally whatever the announcer/DJ is playing.

When shooting for myself, the music is nature and I'm like a 5 year old, anything that catches my eye will get a shot.

04-22-2009, 09:16 AM
That is a really great shot TSEvanson!

Two questions for you:

1. How is it to shoot with the 70-200 without IS? (especially at 200mm of course)

2. Which lens is mounted on your camera most of the time? Is it the 70-200 f/4 L?

04-22-2009, 11:43 AM

When it gets dark outside, I wish I had IS. Other than that, I can usually keep the shutter speed up high enough. My kids are constantly on the go, so I need a high shutter speed to freeze the action anyway.

When I'm outside, the 70-200 f/4 is my lens 90% of the time. I only switch to the kit lens if I want to shoot a wide-angle landscape scene. When I'm indoors, I use my 50 f/1.8 if I don't want a flash, and my kit lens (18-55) if I need wide angle.

04-22-2009, 12:07 PM

It sounds like we have nearly identical setups, 18-55 kit, 50 f/1.8, and 70-200 f/4. I got the 70-200 to go on my 30D as a poor man's sports shooting setup. I mainly shoot my daughter and her soccer team.


I found Brian's reviews to be spot on. I some times wish I had the 2.8 version on heavily overcast days, or games that are near sunrise/sunset. At these times I have to push the ISO up to get the shutter speed needed. However, I did shot a bunch of wrestling from the cheap seats at the NCAA Div.1 national championships. If I remember I was at ISO 800, and about 1/250th on the shutter. Handholding, if you are careful about it, is still possible. I got a lot of clear and reasonably sharp shots this way. In my situation, the extra cost was the problem more than the shooting.

04-22-2009, 04:41 PM
to answer the question for him its really not hard at all.... just a faster shutterspeed than like 60/sec

Bill W
04-22-2009, 07:38 PM
Oren, don't take this the wrong way, but I got a pretty good chuckle w/your question about shooting at 200mm w/out IS.

It's really not that difficult....my old 35mm film camera had 70-200 on it 95% of the time and the other 5% w/a 2x extender....now you want to talk dark in the view finder?

Since moving into a dslr, I've become addicted to IS....like w/my other bad habits (a.k.a. hobbies), I wonder how I ever got by w/out index shifting in cycling, shape skiis (power steering), and golf clubs w/sweet spots the size of quarters instead of dimes.

Isn't technology great?

mpphoto...do you really listen to music while shooting? What kind of shooting do you do and what kind of music?

I love my music, but I shoot wildlife and landscapes...just the thought of getting out to search and listen for subjects or watching a sunrise/sunset inspires me. And at family gatherings....it's the layers of chaos and trying to capture it.

04-22-2009, 07:48 PM
It all depends - And the images will not come when I'm not inspired. I have learned this over time, and sometimes, even though the scene/subject is very nice, I don't have my inspiration pushing me to take a picture of it.

When I shoot nature, the atmosphere really makes me feel good. Sunshine, the wind, birds singing... These all add to the joy of photography.

In the evenings, when I shoot sunsets, I really love the peace and quiet. The birds are also there, and it helps me concentrate on the technical details, and helps me think about what I'm capturing.

In sports, I find the noise, excitement, and adrenaline really add to the shooting experience.

So as you see, I usually need my inspiration when I shoot. I just simply won't get the images I'm (and others are) after.

04-22-2009, 08:45 PM
To answer Bill W, i listen to music while shooting sports sometimes but mainly while taking walks by myself and i listen to the most inspiring music or calming music when ijust want to be alone. I losten to Explosionsin the Sky look them up their inspiring at least. But i get inspired by what photography does for me and seeing the results of someone elses work or my own. I love the self epresseon and places it takes me.

04-22-2009, 08:50 PM
the music mutes the outside wors and leaves me peaceful and able to think and observe beauty in ordinary things.

04-22-2009, 09:24 PM
I losten to Explosionsin the Sky

I don't typically listen to music when I shoot, but I would have to agree with mpphoto12. Explosions in the sky is an amazing group.

Ever heard of Sigur Ros or Neverending White Lights? Also very good chill music. Sigur Ros is in an Icelandic language though so you cant understand thelyrics.

Stephen Probert
04-22-2009, 09:58 PM
For some reason I never really listen to music unless I am playing it or learning to play it. Maybe that is why I am only a mediocre musician. I guess I never really wanted to pay for it? As far as inspiring my photography. I just love it. I seem to experience the world in photographs as though I have my eye to the viewfinder all the time and I am just waiting for the right moment and composition to *click*

I guess I love the moment that you envision a shot and then you get it, just as you want it. I am also inspired by God; since I believe He created the Earth and the universe for His and our pleasure, I enjoy that much more the process of documenting it.

04-23-2009, 01:34 AM
I don't know if it's inspiration so much as an obsessive need to try to capture things that catch my attention. I take a lot of pictures that many other people probably find very boring, like pictures of soap, or a rubber duck, or a rubber duck on soap. I was working at a client's house, getting a plasma screen mounted and updating the automation system, and I remarked to the client, "Hey, that's really nice light hitting those low voltage trim rings." He laughed, and I think he thought I was joking.

I don't listen to music when taking pictures. I'm horrible with cords. I once took pictures while driving and on the phone. It was kind of a serious, relationship kind of conversation, so I got a little bit of crap for that. Weren't even good shots.

04-23-2009, 09:10 AM
Steven got it. [:)]

04-23-2009, 11:50 AM
It depends on what kind of pictures I am taking. If i am shooting birds... I like complete silence, else the birdie might just get scared of Prince's tunes (:D). While shooting portrait, I like to talk with the subject, go back and forth with ideas. Sometimes, the subject come up with excellent poses. Other than that, I dont think i need more inspiration than holding a DSLR with a nice lens attached to it.

"It's an inspiration in itself!" - Dev Salvi

