View Full Version : TS-E 17mm f/4L - would you exchange it?

11-21-2014, 12:49 AM
Got my TS-E 17mm f/4L two days ago. Ran it through basic optical tests, it's excellent corner to corner. One minor issue I noticed - the tilt scale (the series of markings that show the degrees of +/- tilt) are 'off' on one side. There are tilt scales and an index mark on both sides of the lens. With the lens at zero tilt (based on the detent), on one side the tilt scale shows ~0.5° of tilt, while on the other side the scale shows zero as it should. So, the either the scale lines or the index mark on one side were painted a little off from where they should have been. The side that's incorrectly painted happens to be the side where the tilt adjustment knob is, so it's the side I'd more likely be looking at when adjusting tilt.

Obviously, it doesn't affect the optics. It doesn't even really affect the usage, since I don't ever tilt to a certain pre-defined setting and I don't record how much tilt was applied (at least, I've not done so with my TS-E 24L II), and even so I could just mentally adjust by 0.5°.

What do you think - is this something worth exchanging the lens over? I suppose it could affect resale value, assuming a buyer was astute enough to notice and cared about such things. But I'm not sure I'll ever sell it.

Appreciate your thoughts...

11-21-2014, 01:15 AM
Do you even look at the scale of your 24mm when using?
Is it something others really use?
Answer yes send it back.
If I were sending lenses back because of inaccurate scales most Canon lenses would go back because of inaccurate distance scales.

11-21-2014, 10:43 AM
Just to add to Rick's list of questions:

Will it annoy or bother you in any way during your usage?
If you do sell it, is it something that you would feel compelled to divulge to the buyer?

In a way, this is a bit like my 24-70 II with a bubble in the front element that I did send back. The lens was perfect in every other way. I could not get the bubble to effect the IQ. I really don't think it would have bother me in my usage, in a way, I felt it was a birthmark. But I knew if I were to ever sell it I would divulge the presence of the bubble to the seller and that this would likely result in a decrease in the resale value. So it went back.

If I saw an advertisement of a great quality TSE 17 mm with this as a minor defect, it probably wouldn't affect my appraisal of the value as long as price was already in the usual discounted range for used gear. But that is just me.

11-21-2014, 09:52 PM
Saw your post and checked my 24mm TSE. The scale on it is just a little bit off. Never noticed and as the coarse scales are only useful for getting close to a setting, if you can calculate it out or have a chart, I don't think it is a deal breaker. If you didn't have full movement that would be a different story.

11-21-2014, 10:36 PM
Thanks, guys.

Do I look at the scale on my TS-E 24L II? No.

Is it something others use? I'm not sure, but TBH it doesn't really matter to me.

Will it annoy or bother me during usage? No.

If I sell it, will I divulge it? Yes, but the only likely reason I'd be selling is a TS-E 17L II, and I doubt I'd mind the small hit (if any) on sale price.

Brant, the 'birthmark' concept is the only real issue. But heck, all of my kids have them...

So, I'll be keeping it. Thanks again!