View Full Version : a creative image question

02-27-2015, 01:05 AM
I've got an idea for a photography contest entry in my home town. It's not a very interesting place. Mostly a bedroom community.

For decades, there had been a drive-in theater. It finally had to give way to progress, so the land was sold and a Wal-Mart was built there.

I had the foresight to take quite a number of pictures of the sign, the property, etc.

As I said, the community is not very picturesque, or quaint, or much of anything.

My idea is to create a photo that has both the drive-in sign and the Wal-Mart blended together. A sort of ghost of the past.

It would be a blend of the two photos, with one of them much more prominent than the other. I would use Photoshop to blend layers.

I have the exact location of where I took the photo of the drive-in sign, and I plan on going back to it, on the same day, at the same time, to capture the now completed Wal-Mart.

So, which photo should predominate? The drive-in sign, or the Wal-Mart?

If the Wal-Mart were barely visible in the background, it would give a sense of foreboding of the future.

If the drive-in were barely visible in the background, it would give a sense of the ghost of the past.

I would have to pay close attention to the tree lines, etc, so as to prevent too much clutter with either image.

I could use some creative ideas on this project. Thanks.

02-27-2015, 10:47 AM
My way of thinking... the present should always be predominant. The past is a memory that fades.

Something I have never seen in one of these "before and after" shots is to have the older picture in b&w and the present in color. That may help segrigate the two visually. Again... I have not seen this or tried it, so take the suggestion with a grain of salt.

02-27-2015, 01:34 PM
Why plan this? See what works when you have the shots. You already know you're going to have two shots, and the second shot needs to match the perspective of the first, so there's nothing really to plan about the actual shoot. As for the mix, put them on layers and slide the opacity control until it feels right. If you prefer parts of it older and parts of it newer, rather than a single percentage slider, create a layer mask and paint in the time you want.

02-27-2015, 11:45 PM
Why plan this?

I think I understand what you're saying about this. But, by taking the shot on the same day, at the same time, I'll have fewer variables to concern myself with, such as trees in bloom vs not, casted shadows, etc. It gives me the flexibility.

I'll more than certainly being using layer masks on this project.

The idea of a black and white mixed in, is something I hadn't thought of. That's worth a try, too.

02-28-2015, 01:40 AM
I didn't mean why plan to shoot at the same time, I think your original post covered that. I just meant why try to pre-plan which should be most prominent. Just play with the slider, and see which you prefer.