View Full Version : So I found a use for those gigapixel Panos

Busted Knuckles
04-30-2016, 01:31 AM
that I took in glacier w/ the "R". Basically use them in Ken Burns type of 4k movie.

I just tried the demo version of Aquasoft and it seems pretty straight forward - the only issue I have at this point is that it starts w/ jpg and therefore 8 bit vs. 10bit.

Still pretty fun to start w/ the full pano and then zoom into a particular feature and detail just keeps coming and coming.

The 3/4 pano of heavy runner and Reynolds creek only takes about 6 minutes to glide through and hit the water falls and other points of interest at a reasonably pace. LOL LOL.

Having fun with cameras.


04-30-2016, 11:53 AM
Hi Mike....so it sounds like you are using Aquasoft to scroll through zooming in and out of these massive images? That is cool. Nice way to summarize a trip or event.

You've made mention a couple of times now about the 10 bit display vs 8 bit jpegs. I am wondering what exactly are you seeing? Loss of depth, color, DR??? Are RAW files just visually better when compared to jpeg?

04-30-2016, 01:12 PM
If the display is still just sRGB, the extra bits should just help ensure smoother gradients, and no detail lost when colors are adjusted for calibration. If it's a wider-gamut monitor, the extra bits can convey the extra range of colors, while still keeping the sRGB range as smooth as before. Without the extra bits, the sRGB colors would have to fit within a smaller numerical range, leading to less precise colors and banding.

One big improvement will just be better color accuracy and higher contrast. A 10-bit display is a specialized tool for people worried about correct color. They're not just going to throw in any cheap panel, or it's not going to sell. Even without the extra bits, the monitor will likely look better than most 8-bit monitors. It's this part that will jump out at you more than the smoothness from the extra bits.

Busted Knuckles
04-30-2016, 11:46 PM
What I perceive is that the colors are compressed in sRGB (smaller total options) and when you jump from sRGB (8 bit) to 95% ish full RGB (10bit) the expansion provides more contrast and you go "Cool!" when you jump back to sRGB you go "oof that got flat"

I chalk it up to something like... "you don't know what you have missed till you see it" type of event. I guess, you could "soft proof" the colors or step up the contrast an extra notch and get something similar in effect... if you don't look to close.

What I trying to figure out now is how to build the pano in Photoshop and keep the color depth and then spec the output in Aquasoft. So far I haven't been able to find the right setting - I suspect it is in the codec step. Something I don't know all that much about, but it seems next on the learning list.

It is very much fun to start w/ the wide shot and zoom into 1:1 and on a 4k display it is still pretty far in (HD would nutty) and imagine the size of the image that isn't on the screen. Also in my flying, I did find a mountain goat in the Heavy Runner/Reynolds Creek pano.

What this also does is put pressure on the GAS remission. Lot more zooming and flying in an "R" vs. a III. I think I can wait until the next 5 comes out.

Busted Knuckles
05-04-2016, 01:24 AM
LOL, so my 6 minute 4k 100% jpg quality (i.e. 8 bit) to wmv is 2.8 gigs. LOL. I need to come up to speed on codecs. I see the need for giant memory cards if one starts doing a vid in 4k LOL they are huge. Doing a full on 10bit, this should be interesting.