View Full Version : AE Lock on AF start on 5D

Chuck Lee
04-29-2009, 11:26 AM
Hi All,

First post here. Just love The Digital Picture. Bryan, you rock. Beautiful family. Great witness!!

Anyhoo, I'm wondering if anyone knows how to get the 5D to AE lock when the shutter button is half pressed and AF is locked? My 40D does this seemingly by default. I know I can use the AE lock button to do this, but it is so much easier when this happens during AF lock with the half press.

Also, I've read the manual front to back half a dozen times. Obviously, this didn't help.



Chuck Lee
04-29-2009, 06:11 PM
Well, I found the answer.....go figure. I happen to be over atdpreview and saw someone asking for an explanation of the options for the 5D MkII. Anyhow, after some challenging mental debating, I pulled up the pdf manuals for the 5D and 40D next to one another and started exploring again. The answer is not in the custom function settings portion of the manual. I found the answer on page 75 of the 5D manual.

"With evaluative metering, the exposure setting (shutter speed and aperture) will be set when focus is achieved. The exposure setting and focus will be locked as long as the shutter button is pressed halfway."

The problem was that I wasn't using evaluative metering I was using center weighted.

Thanks for the help Chuck, Glad I signed up over here. They answer your questions quickly.


Daniel Browning
04-29-2009, 08:26 PM
Thanks for the help Chuck, Glad I signed up over here. They answer your questions quickly.

Me too. I'm always quick to answer questions from myself, and although flame wars occasionally erupt between me and I, myself always has a cool head.

Chuck Lee
04-29-2009, 09:13 PM

When I got a chance, I also proved to myself, that it is the same on the 40D. Sure enough, AE lock on AF lock when in one shot, evaluative metering. And, no one got hurt.

Jon Ruyle
04-29-2009, 10:48 PM
Is there any way to make it do the opposite in evaluative metering mode? Ie, to make it *not* lock?

Chuck Lee
04-29-2009, 11:33 PM
Not that I can find. The options are:

1) Change metering to Center Weighted. THis is not too bad since the camera still averages the rest of the frame after metering center area. Closest thing to Evaluative.

For Evaluative mode:

2) On 40D, set C.FnIV 1 set to 3. Use back AF button to focus. Meter is set with half and/or full press of shutter. This can have advantages http://www.usa.canon.com/dlc/controller?act=GetArticleAct&articleID=2286&produc tID=249&articleTypeID=5 ("http://www.usa.canon.com/dlc/controller?act=GetArticleAct&articleID=2286&produc tID=249&articleTypeID=5)

3) On 5D, C.Fn04 set to 1. Use * button to focus. Meter is set with half and/or full press.

After reading that article on back button focusing, I'm going to try shooting like that for a while and see how I like it. On the 40D you can assign AFto the * (AE) button if you want; C.FnIV 2 set to 0. 5D does not have the AF On button. It's a 'live view' thing I think.

That's all I got ...so far.


Jon Ruyle
04-30-2009, 12:18 AM
Thanks, Chuck.

For portraits, I often use center af point and recompose. In some cases, the exposure gets really messed up by this.

I never got used to the back-button autofocus thing. Maybe I should give it another try.

Chuck Lee
04-30-2009, 12:52 AM
Your Welcome Jon,

Come to think of it there were quite a few times shooting portraits that it would've been great if all I had to do was AF once and then be free to worry about the metering the rest of the time. That's the best thing about forums. It really get's you thinking about what your doing and how your doing it. I think this particular exercise is going to open up a whole new way to control the shot that we've never experienced before. The real test is going to happen when I shoot an upcoming renew-the-vows wedding in a couple of weeks. Will I be able to make it a habit and second nature by then? This is going to be interesting.
