View Full Version : FS: Miscellaneous Photography Gear

09-05-2016, 06:27 PM
I just want to give a heads up here that I am in the preliminary stages of selling a large portion (if not all) of my photography gear. I am starting with the small items and working my way up. I am putting together an album on flickr titled, "Photography Gear for Sale" and I have also already listed a couple things in "For Sale" groups on Facebook. The adding of items will take place over many days and possibly weeks. I don't have much but photos need to be taken of the stuff and prices set so it takes awhile.

I will add items here with photos soon but check the flickr album also in case I forget to add an item here. If there is something you are maybe looking for, check with me either through TDP, Facebook, flickr or email me at ddt0725@sbcglobal.net. I don't have a lot but still might be worth checking with me. Cameras and most lens not available as of yet.

Link to the flickr folder ...


Admin: Please let me know if it not okay to set it up this way and if individual ads are preferred.


09-05-2016, 07:35 PM
Whats going on? All your equipment?
You doing this to upgrade or you stopping your hobby?

09-05-2016, 07:54 PM
Downsizing to eventually stopping.

09-05-2016, 09:19 PM
Your so talent and seem to have a passion for it. I just can't imagine you stopping :(

09-05-2016, 10:10 PM
It's is not by choice believe me. I am recently unemployed again after just starting to get back on my feet and my little Sammy incurred an extreme amount of vet bills this past week and eventual end of life care on Friday. So basically, this is a Help Fund Sammy's Care sale.

It's been an extremely rough week and I am physically and emotionally drained. So, for now not selling what I can is going to make it even harder than if I don't. Out of panic, I set up a Go Fund Me page for him but raised $0. I would rather do this than take donations anyway.

More items will be put in the flickr folder hopefully tomorrow.

09-06-2016, 10:36 AM
Ugh....so sorry to hear of both of the exceptionally sad life events Denise. Your photos over the years of Sammy have been priceless. Good luck with the sale, I'll keep my eye on flickr. I hope that you can keep at least a basic kit together for yourself and are back on your feet soon.

09-06-2016, 11:30 AM
Ugh....so sorry to hear of both of the exceptionally sad life events Denise. Your photos over the years of Sammy have been priceless. Good luck with the sale, I'll keep my eye on flickr. I hope that you can keep at least a basic kit together for yourself and are back on your feet soon.

Thank you. That is why I'm starting with the smaller items first. Many times, photography has served as my therapy. Nothing like getting out and shooting when you just need to.

Joel Eade
09-06-2016, 07:53 PM
Gosh, very sad times, so sorry about your loss.

I agree with the others and have said before....you have an amazing artistic gift....hang on to one camera and lens at least.

Is the Go Fund Me page still up?

09-06-2016, 09:50 PM
Sorry to hear, Denise.

Joel, I just did a quick search on gofundme for "Trocio", and it appears to be here: https://www.gofundme.com/2mm7b3w

09-11-2016, 12:59 PM
Gosh, very sad times, so sorry about your loss.

I agree with the others and have said before....you have an amazing artistic gift....hang on to one camera and lens at least.

Is the Go Fund Me page still up? I am sorry I did not respond to this when you asked, Joel. I sort of needed to take a few days to stop everything and catch my breath. Thank you, David for stepping in to reply.

Thank you, Joel and other members here at TDP for your donations to the fund. Your friendship runs deep in my heart and I will be forever grateful for your generosity far more than I can express in words. God Bless You!!