View Full Version : Lens Suggestions Needed

11-29-2017, 12:18 AM
Hi guys,

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoyed time with family and friends ...and of course snagged some good Black Friday deals!

I need some help with suggestions on lens purchases that give the best bang for my buck.

Here is the latest update on my situation ...

I am still wearing a brace on my right wrist and hand. My lower back problems make it so I cannot stand for long periods of time at a stretch. 20 minutes and I start to feel the pain. And now get this, I went for a simple eye test a few weeks ago and my eye dr. is monitoring me closely. Apparently, I may be going blind in my right eye and if I do, he said I will most likely go blind shortly after in the left eye. The next 60 days will let us know more.

With that ...I am determined to shoot until I can't anymore!! Even if it is just of my dogs running around the yard and a few trips to the lake by my house. I refuse to put down the camera just yet!

So, I am still moving forward as planned (mentioned in a prior thread). I sold my 7d II, 6d and 150-600mm and picked up the 6d II bundle. The mirrorless (Fuji X-T2) camera is on hold until I get buyers for my Sigma 50-150mm OS and 17-50mm OS which I hope go soon since I can't use them anymore since they are crop only.

All I have left for lenses is my Lensbaby Velvet 56 (which I love), my 105mm macro and Sigma 85mm (non-art) which may go since it is kind of heavy.

I can only afford used or refurb's. since my cameras didn't sell for as much as I thought they would. I am thinking the Canon 35mm f2 IS and the 100mm f2. Any other suggestions for lightweight that are good? Anything from Sigma, Tamron or others that are sharp, fast focusing and give a nice background blur, I like shooting wide open. I know I'm asking for a miracle lens! I am hoping maybe to find something that is equal to my Sigma 17-50mm OS but for FF.

As I was typing this, I snagged the 100mm f2 on FM! YAY! Still need suggestions on other lenses though! I haven't been able to find the 35mm f2 IS yet on the used market.

11-29-2017, 12:55 AM
Denise that is (potentially) awful. I hope it is not true.

I think you are on the right track with the 35 f/2 is. It is out of stock now, but refurbished it can go for $379. Another option is the 40 mm f/2.8 pancake. It is remarkably capable and is in stock for $109 (refurbished).

I’d also consider the 24-70 f/4 IS and the recently released 70-300 II. It is consumer level but IQ seems pretty good.

11-29-2017, 01:10 AM
Thank you. I am starting to roll with the punches that life gives me ...or I am in denial. What else can I do?

I have been thinking of the pancake lens. I had it before and it was okay.

I also bought a light tent on ebay. So I need a lens that will work well for that. I plan to use the Lensbaby for flower photos in it but would still like another lens to use.

I just saw someone on FM is selling a 28mm IS lens. Would that be good or too wide? IS is definietely a plus with my hand issue. Bryan'sreview says it's a good lens.

Which would be better for me, a 28mm IS or 35mm IS?

11-29-2017, 01:17 AM
I think I can answer my own question. By looking at Bryan's charts, the 35mm f2 IS looks sharper with less corner issues.

11-29-2017, 10:53 AM
I often pay attention to gear that people get a little emotional about. They use words like "love,' "excited," or "magic." I have seen some people that get excited about the 35 f/2 IS. Looking at the charts, I would tend to say the sharpness is pretty equal between the three lenses of that generation (24 f/2.8 IS, 28 f/2.8 IS, and 35 f/2 IS). The 35 f/2 IS may have a slight advantage, but it is slight. More important, start comparing the 28 f/2.8 IS to other "sharp" lenses, and it really holds its own. As a quick example, here is it against the TS-E 24 II (https://www.the-digital-picture.com/Reviews/ISO-12233-Sample-Crops.aspx?Lens=789&Camera=979&Sample=0&FLI=0&API=0&LensComp=486&CameraComp=0&FLIComp=0&APIComp=0). So, I would actually consider it to be sharp. But looking at OLAF, the tang/Sag lines are closer on the 35 f/2 IS, which usually means smoother bokeh/rendering which probably does more to explain the emotion I have hard over the years than sharpness.

So, I'd tend to agree in that I'd get the 35 f/2 IS, if possible. That said, I've always heard the 24 f/2.8 IS and 28 f/2.8 IS were very good lenses. Looking at the charts, they are plenty sharp, especially in the center. I would think you could take some excellent photos with any of them.

11-29-2017, 11:28 AM
I also bought a light tent on ebay. So I need a lens that will work well for that. I plan to use the Lensbaby for flower photos in it but would still like another lens to use.

With a light tent you may want to experiment with extension tubes. They are low cost and give you a wider range.
I wish Canon would upgrade the 50mm f1.4 as part of the (24 f/2.8 IS, 28 f/2.8 IS, and 35 f/2 IS) family. I think this would be a big seller.

11-29-2017, 11:35 AM
With a light tent you may want to experiment with extension tubes. They are low cost and give you a wider range.
I wish Canon would upgrade the 50mm f1.4 as part of the (24 f/2.8 IS, 28 f/2.8 IS, and 35 f/2 IS) family. I think this would be a big seller.

I think I may have snagged a good deal on fb for the 35mm IS ($435 w/hood and filter, pristine condition). Waiting to hear back from seller.

I used to own the Kenko tubes. Now I wish I never sold them! Looks like I will have to pick them up again.

11-29-2017, 02:17 PM
Yep, I was able to snag the used 35mm IS! So, it's definitely not the best gear set-up I've ever owned but with the 35mm, 56mm, 85mm, 100mm and 105mm macro, After adding some Kenko tubes, I should be set for a bit for my current needs when weight and funds are an issue. Eventually, a zoom lens will work it's way in.

Hopefully, I will have some decent pics taken with the new gear to post soon!