View Full Version : Youtube

03-02-2019, 01:09 PM
For years, I would occasionally go onto Youtube, check a few things out and be done with it. Starting in about October or November I started watching a few things with more regularity. Overall, I still get the sense that people are struggling for novel and interesting content. But, there is also a lot of really good stuff out there.

Of course, you have the gear centric Youtubers. Of course, I watch a video here or there, but I find them to be a bit hard to watch on a repeated basis. In terms of photocentric, I really like Thomas Heaton (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfhW84xfA6gEc4hDK90rR1Q), Mads Peter Iverson (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrWU2BpF6zvRFnkYHDDYHDg) and Adam Gibbs (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDyKBQGE7OOsWeQIPWqVSzw). They tend to be landscape photographers that are experience/location driven. I've enjoyed Jessica Kobeissi (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvs_Clo5c1u2hXwv0zEG6rw) when she is out shooting, usually with 3-4 photographers and the same model, which, for me, the differences in final images from each photographer really illustrates creative vision.

But, I am also finding myself enjoying videos that, while tending to be travel driven (and I do like travel), are using video almost how I use photos, to document an experience. I am impressed with the quality of some of these videos. A few examples (and some of these are videographers, thus the quality):


Then, this morning I just watched two videos from a couple who each have their own channels. Again, interesting the creative take two people can have of the same experience: Johnny Harris (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAcXVIK9mjo) and Iz Harris (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qqNthWfkP4).

Anyways, I know I am getting old, but it is interesting to see how people, gulp, decades younger than me, use powerful imagery in a way that is, at least, new to me, and then combine it with other media. Another from Iz Harris (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RUMd2ie8iE).

Dave Throgmartin
03-02-2019, 10:18 PM
Good video reviewers are Dustin Abbott and Chris Frost. I don't really watch much else photo wise on Youtube.


03-03-2019, 06:45 PM
I watched a few videos from Thomas Heaton, especially because he came to Switzerland many times and visited some places I know quite well. It was fun hearing a foreign photographer talking about my country and I liked his tone and the great images he produces. I stopped watching him when he started a series of videos about gear (some canon/sony/nikon comparisons) as I try not to be too involved in this kind of discussions. When I'm interested in it, I always end up with a lighter wallet but no better skills.

03-04-2019, 11:10 AM
He did start getting click-baity with his titles in those comparisons. I would say, I appreciated his take from the field compared to a spec list rant. So, while he started looking for a replacement to the 5DIV, at New Years just stopped, explaining he did not feel like a reviewer and didn't like the direction of the channel. Since, it is back to being an "in the field" episode followed by an in the office episode, usually discussing what he liked and didn't like about the pictures from the field. All the while, I still see the 5DIV :)

I think I minimize the review youtubers a bit. I do check them out a bit when I am interested in impressions of something new. But my standpoint is pretty simple, most cameras are so good compared to 10 years ago when I got into DSLR photography, that they are really splitting hairs. Sure "eye AF" is a potential nice feature, but in the time I take to make sure I have a good composition, I can also move the focus point onto an eye. They have a solution to a problem I really do not really have.

Overall, I think I am just impressed with what people are doing with photo/videos. I really like the idea of creating these time capsules of each year of their kid or major trips. Granted, it seems like a lot of work, but I might give it a go