View Full Version : 1D III error 99

Fast Glass
05-04-2020, 01:34 PM
So I am getting an intermittent error 99. It started last night. It went away after putting another fresh battery in it and turning it off and on a bunch of times, removing and reinstalling the battery, while it was off working all the buttons and switches. Eventually it started working again, so I put both bateries to charge (Both OEM with 2 out of 3 bars of performance). Same deal again this morning, error 99. Did the same thing but this time it took like 10 seconds of off and on and it works fine. But this time I straight away removed the lens. But now works with the lens.

What's happening is the camera works totally normal until I try to go into live view or take a pic. It doesn't raise the reflex mirror or take a pic. But I can here the shutter working during startup/shutdown. So is it the mirror box or shutter giving me grieve? Or do you think I have some bateries that are losing there life expectancy that is causing this?

Been using the 28-135mm, it's not in great shape and has a loose something inside as I move it around. Had issues focusing at certain focal lengths to infinity and generally at farther focusing distances. Not so much at close distances of 20 feet or less.Maybe the lens messes around with the body?

Joel Eade
05-04-2020, 01:43 PM
Apparently ERR99 is a non-specific error which can be from several causes.

Check this out


Fast Glass
05-04-2020, 08:54 PM
Excellent link.

I've tried a whole bunch of things but what ended up working was replacing the button cell backup battery. So nice to hear it work again.

Thanks again! I promise this is the last 1D III post for a while.:)

Joel Eade
05-05-2020, 11:32 AM
That's great .... didn't have to lose time sending it in for repair ..... share some images when you can !!!

Fast Glass
05-05-2020, 06:13 PM
Need to get my computer going, its windows 8 and a POS. It doesn't want to install any kind of photo editing software what so ever. Not even DPP.

Well, my enthusiasm was short lived. It's doing it again! Although its WAY better. Right now it usually returns to normal after restarting it once or twice. So maybe a lens thing? I know my 28-135mm if banged up and won't focus to infinity below 50mm and sounds like like there is something small rattling in it.

So maybe the lens is causing it to get screwy. It's still very ussuable now. Just something I need to track down.

Joel Eade
05-05-2020, 08:00 PM
It can be the lens not communicating with the camera.

Do you have another lens to see if it has the same issue?

The small contacts on the lens and on the camera body can be cleaned by gently rubbing them with a soft cloth or a pencil eraser .... be very careful not to allow any debris to fall into the camera or the lens.

how to fix error 99 canon (https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&sxsrf=ALeKk02rr4vjKdUeFJWRVyaRR7cBhMVCoA%3A1588708 531516&ei=s8SxXrH9HtPOtQaFyKHACA&q=how+to+fix+error+99+canon&oq=canon+how+to+fix+err+99&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQARgAMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAA QFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yCAgAEBYQChAeOgQIABBHOgQIIxAnOgQIA BBDOgUIABCRAjoFCAAQgwE6AggAOgcIABAUEIcCOggIIRAWEB0 QHlDq3QZY6Z8HYKjLB2gAcAF4AIABxQGIAaYVkgEENS4xOJgBA KABAaoBB2d3cy13aXo&sclient=psy-ab#kpvalbx=_McWxXtToApG3tAbtk7jYBA34)

Fast Glass
05-05-2020, 09:29 PM
No, I do not. Gonna have to hound a friend for one.

I will have to try,

Joel Eade
05-05-2020, 10:13 PM
A camera store or Best Buy might let you attach a lens in their store just to see.

Fast Glass
05-05-2020, 11:58 PM
Very possibly.

Fast Glass
05-07-2020, 06:07 PM
So after lots of hard reboots it still gives the error even without a memory card or lens. So I guess I'm just gonna have to live with it. Don't feel like sinking a bunch of mullah into a 12 year old camera body that I paid $350 for.

Although I don't feel too bad because it came with two good condition
OEM bateries, dual charger, DC coupler and more. If I had to buy all that it probably run me close to $350 for that.

Joel Eade
05-07-2020, 10:15 PM
So sorry you couldn't find a simple fix, I can understand not wanting to put much more money into it.

Fast Glass
05-07-2020, 11:01 PM
Hardly, good excuse to get a 1Dx. Really the plan was the 1D III was just a camera to buy me some time and to keep as a second backup body. So I'm not too bummed out.

But next time I think I'll pass on ebay for that, don't feel like getting screwed on a $2000 camera body. Going to buy it from someplace that has a warranty. So if I run into something like this again I have a return policy.

Joel Eade
05-08-2020, 11:13 AM
That's the spirit!!!

You may have some way through Ebay to get your money back if the item is not in the condition as advertised. If that's the case I would message the seller first and ask for a refund and ship it back to them if they will refund you. If not you can get Ebay involved and perhaps reach a resolution.

I have purchased used items ( including a 1D III) from Adorama in the past with zero issues ... unbeatable customer service

The original 1DX bodies should be a good bargain at this point

05-08-2020, 01:01 PM
https://www.keh.com/ for used equipment. I purchased my 1DIII & 1DsIII from them. Also other lenses and equipment. They have a 7 days, no questions asked, return policy and last I purchased from them, a 120 day warranty. :)

Fast Glass
05-09-2020, 08:19 PM
Yeah, I love keh.com. Usually one of the most reasonable prices around for used gear (From a retailer anyway). I stumbled upon this deal, threw a low ball offer and the seller took it. Although I kinda know why now.

Fast Glass
05-10-2020, 02:23 AM
I think in the end I'm gonna keep it, looking at the prices on ebay and other retailers I scored a decent deal considering all the extras. It's not to bad and it doesn't do it all the time. So I'll live with it.

05-10-2020, 03:49 PM
I don't know just how good a deal you got on ebay but there price seems pretty low on KEH when they have them in stock. They may even take the one you have in trade to lower the price for another one.
It sounds like you like me with the desire for high end photo equipment but not a lot of $$s to spend. :)
How do you like the 1D when its working right? I started with a 1DIIn. Now I only like the 1D line. I don't mind the weight. :)

Fast Glass
07-04-2020, 07:36 PM

I got it for $342 with tax and shipping (Or $300 before tax and shipping). It came with an extra OEM battery, dual charger, AC adapter, AA adapter and some basic CF cards. I feel I got a pretty decent score since even a used battery still goes for a bit of change. It was the cheapest one at the time especially considering the accessories.

So far I LOVE it! The AF is very good, much better than the 60D I used before. It's extremely customizable and I really enjoy the ergonomics of it. It is a bit heavy but after a bit you get used to it. It's a chunk.

Also I noticed the 1.3 DOF more than I thought I would, you can eek out noticeably more background blur. It's definitely significant. I also am enjoying the extra vigneting for portraits. It draws the subject in really nicely.

The colors are very very nice! Without comparing it side by side I feel it blows highlights more easily than say the 60D or T2i I used to have. But with getting the proper exposure it's not usually a problem and Highlight Priority mode really helps a lot with that.

Over all I REALLY love it especially for the price, now it makes me want to get the 1Ds III for a companion. Or just get a 1D X.

I kinda figured out the issue, basically I was using the Minolta 58mm f/1.4 without the conversion mount and it would touch the contacts. Well that would cause the error till I did a hard reboot (Take out the button cell and let it sit with the camera on for 20 mins or so, you can look it up online) and it will fix the problem till I do it again. But now that I have the mount converted and now know not to do that it's working as it should. Minus the fact I still need to shave the reflex mirror to clear the rear element at infinity focus. So I just have been using live view for those shots and problem solved.

Overall I'm glad I got it, I've put off buying one for WAY too long and now I'm addicted to the 1-Series line.