View Full Version : R1, general thoughts and updated info.

Fast Glass
07-01-2022, 08:19 PM
So, there has been plenty of talk about the R1. Understandably so. I was thinking of making a R1 focused thread where some of this information can be condensed.

So from what I know, and would love others to chime in, there is very little we know about the R1. Mostly speculation.

•So looks like it might be delayed till sometime in 2023,
probably in time for the 2024 Olympics.

•Rumored to have higher MP, although estimates vary
widely from 30mp to over 100mp.

•Probably similar form factor as the R3.

•Probably dual CFexpress cards.

•Probably the same LPE-19 battery.

•Similar but improved AF with all the goods like eye
controlled AF points, quad pixel AF, improved AF modes etc.

• Probably 30fps or higher.

• Probably 100 to 102,400 native with H1, H2, H3 and L being options.

•Autofocus down to -7.5 EV or better.

•Similar or faster readout as the R3.

•8k RAW video? I hope so.

•Touch screen.

•Smart controller.

•Price, I'm going on a limb and say it will be $6500, R3 will be $5500 and 1Dx III $4500.

Any other suggestions and speculation please post them, I would at least like to look at a speculated spec sheet than non at all. Lol.

It's kinda a thread for fun, but curious to see how close we can get the specs to the actual R1. And of course general talk about it.

07-02-2022, 12:17 AM
What many people miss when they are speculating about a new 1 series is that it is limited by the processor speed and there are just certain things Canon wants the camera to do. Some of those things are not obvious. I would imagine that at the very least it will be as good as the R3 at handling rolling shutter. I would speculate that any sensor put in the R1 would read as fast or faster than the R3. That said speed limitations will probably negate an extremely high MP camera, but not in the future. Canon will most likely not take a step back on any spec.

My guess is a body in the 32mp range.

I expect to see improvement across the board. The R3 has impressed me, so much so that the R1 will most likely be a pre-order when it comes out.

Frame rate? Is 30 fps not enough?

Maybe by the time it comes out there will be a 120mp R5s R as well.

07-02-2022, 03:23 AM
Were there any new features in the R7 that may be seen a "public beta" for an R1 feature? I've literally seen no mention of the R7/R9 launch on our forum, and I've not sought out any R7 vs R3/R5 comparisons either, but I'd guess there must be something new on the R7.

07-02-2022, 12:43 PM
Were there any new features in the R7 that may be seen a "public beta" for an R1 feature? I've literally seen no mention of the R7/R9 launch on our forum, and I've not sought out any R7 vs R3/R5 comparisons either, but I'd guess there must be something new on the R7.

I thought about doing a post, but as I looked at the cameras, literally nothing stood out or interested me. So, it would have been a post for the sake of a post.

I have not seen or heard any reference to anything new. What is amazing about them is that a ton of features from the R3/R5/R6 flowed down to them. For example, R7 is 30 fps electronic shutter, same as R3. The 15 fps mechanical shutter is "new" (1DX III had 16 fps)....but remarkable in a less expensive camera. AF, eye-detect AF, etc all seemed to flow down. 24 MP and 32 MP in crop sensor is again, very good.

They look like excellent entry level cameras. But, I am not seeing anything new.

As for the R1. I expect the headlining features:

Quad-pixel AF
Less rolling shutter/faster read speed (I am speculating something faster than 1/400th of a second)
Improvements to AF modes
Maybe this feature that you are starting to see where as soon as you have half depressed the shutter, it starts taking pictures (in electronic mode) and continuously fills the buffer of a couple seconds, then, when you press the shutter fully, you not only get the image you took, but a couple seconds before and maybe even after. The M6 II has a feature like this (so Canon has been beta testing it), Nikon Z9 has this, I expect it to come to Canon.

Then other features:

Resolution. All gets down to video. 8K DCI is 8192x4320 pixels. Change aspect ratios to 3:2 and you get 8192x5462 = 44.7MP. If Canon wants 8K video in the camera, then you are looking at least 45 MP. Now, when people talk about anything above 45 MP they forget that to have video from that sensor they are either introducing a crop mode, which is very unpopular, or they are pixel binning, which takes processing power and generates heat. Both can be and are done, but it is no coincidence that the R5 is 45 MP and offers several video modes without any (or minimal) crop mode. Some of those modes generate tons of heat. I suspect the R1 will be 45 to 50 MPs and have 8K video.
Fully electronic shutter. I hate this, but I suspect the R1 will not have a mechanical shutter. I hope to be wrong here. But the shutter is the last moving part inside the camera. Nikon just got rid of theirs.
Fully or highly programable shutter rate up to maybe 40 fps (I suspect 30 fps, but Canon might want to differentiate from R3). How fast gets down to improvements in CFE card write speeds. As I have noted in other threads, actual performance of CFE is significantly off published spec, but the CFE tech is new, if they can begin to approach published write speeds, then I can see higher fps. But, note, CFE Type B theoretical max is 2,000 MB/sec and ~60 MB x 40 fps = 2400 MB/sec. So, even at the theoretical max, CFE Type B can't keep up with larger sensors and higher frame rates. So, either R1 is CFE Type C (which doesn't exist as a product yet), sensor size/fps will limited, or higher fps will only be unlocked with C-RAW.
Enhanced eye-controlled AF.
R3 like body, classic textured grip.
Price point...my gut tells me $8,000. I'd consider us fortunate if they come in at $6,500 and drop the R3 to $5,500.

07-02-2022, 12:43 PM
Were there any new features in the R7 that may be seen a "public beta" for an R1 feature? I've literally seen no mention of the R7/R9 launch on our forum, and I've not sought out any R7 vs R3/R5 comparisons either, but I'd guess there must be something new on the R7.

15 fps vs 12 fps mechanical.

Looking at the specs I see nothing of interest. $1799 for the 7D II at release, it would be $2,221 adjusted for inflation. Canon priced it at $1499, the R7 isn't at the same level compared to the current bodies as the 7D II was to the line up when it was released.

Fast Glass
07-02-2022, 08:48 PM
What many people miss when they are speculating about a new 1 series is that it is limited by the processor speed and there are just certain things Canon wants the camera to do. Some of those things are not obvious. I would imagine that at the very least it will be as good as the R3 at handling rolling shutter. I would speculate that any sensor put in the R1 would read as fast or faster than the R3. That said speed limitations will probably negate an extremely high MP camera, but not in the future. Canon will most likely not take a step back on any spec.

My guess is a body in the 32mp range.

I expect to see improvement across the board. The R3 has impressed me, so much so that the R1 will most likely be a pre-order when it comes out.

Frame rate? Is 30 fps not enough?

Maybe by the time it comes out there will be a 120mp R5s R as well.

I think you are pretty spot on about this, while I would love for the R1 to have 50mp like the A1. Canon has been historically been pretty conservative on their high end bodies as far as resolution so I'm not at all surprised to see it in the 30mp range. But I think any prediction above 50mp being very unlikely.

But if we limit the FPS to 30, which is a safe bet. 50mp would not be an unreasonable guess either, just a matter if Canon is making this an extremely fast body and go for more the Nikon's approach with something like 120fps or is it gonna be still very fast but have 50mp or more? I'm not holding my breath too much on the latter.

I think it will be such an improvement that I can deal with it and use another body for high resolution needs.

Fast Glass
04-01-2023, 05:32 AM
Well I'm super pumped to know that the R1 specs are released!

And for the first time since 2007, Canon FINALLY after so many years released a high resolution body in a pro form factor!!!!!

I'm so happy to see the R1 one will have 45mp! Not only for good cropping of images or large outputs. But 8K video.

And the fact that the body is gonna cost $6500 instead of $8000, I'm very happy for that to.

This hits the nail on the head on everything and I can finally drop the coin on a two of these boogers and not have buyers remorse like I did with the 1Dx III.

04-01-2023, 10:15 PM
Well I'm super pumped to know that the R1 specs are released!

And for the first time since 2007, Canon FINALLY after so many years released a high resolution body in a pro form factor!!!!!

I'm so happy to see the R1 one will have 45mp! Not only for good cropping of images or large outputs. But 8K video.

And the fact that the body is gonna cost $6500 instead of $8000, I'm very happy for that to.

This hits the nail on the head on everything and I can finally drop the coin on a two of these boogers and not have buyers remorse like I did with the 1Dx III.

I like the fact that they are giving away the newly released printer with preorders just like they used to.

Fast Glass
04-01-2023, 11:19 PM

What date is it today.:rolleyes:

Fast Glass
05-28-2024, 02:11 AM
Well Adorama accidentally leaked the R1 specs. Gist of it was 30mp, 240fps and a dual sensitivity sensor similar to their cinema products which promises 16 stops of dynamic range.

Which slightly makes up for the not surprising 30mp sensor. But with so much horse power. I'd much rather see 45mp sensor to shoot 8k and just have more cropping ability or high resolution for my 42" printer.

But, I'm gonna reserve full judgement on the body till it is out. I am considering buying it. But it really has to impress to make up for lack of resolution. Else the R5 II seems like the obvious choice for anyone other than extreme speed junkies.

Joel Eade
05-28-2024, 01:14 PM
Might be tempting for birds in flight if the AF is in the same ball park as the Sony system......otherwise I probably will stick with R5 for now.

05-29-2024, 04:33 PM
Well Adorama accidentally leaked the R1 specs. Gist of it was 30mp, 240fps and a dual sensitivity sensor similar to their cinema products which promises 16 stops of dynamic range.
Seems that was bogus, as it was a straight copy-paste from a Canon Rumors spec list (and I really doubt Canon would ever claim something like 'Better dynamic range than the EOS R3 and EOS R5' in a spec list). Current rumor is a 24 MP sensor with a faster readout speed than the R3, with an AF system that can detect horizontal lines. Plus the 'Action Priority AF' that Canon mentioned in the development announcement.

05-29-2024, 05:06 PM
There are some pictures that are almost certainly the R1 floating around. Overall, I like the look of it, the general layout, etc. As for the rumor'd specs, I am constantly reminded that 24 MP is enough by the 24x16 prints I have on my walls from the 7D and 5DIII. 16 bit RAW is potentially interesting. As would be the Quadpixel AF, granted, it is very rarely I run into issues with my R5, but hey, it is likely better. Overall, it seems like what the "1" series has always been, work horse flagship. The best and most dependable. A dependable tool that will help you get the shot.

A Canon EOS R1 Roundup, and a few more things – Canon Rumors (https://www.canonrumors.com/a-canon-eos-r1-roundup-and-a-few-more-things/)

Fast Glass
06-02-2024, 11:07 PM
If that's the case it is all bogus.

Canon rumors is just a gag site full of speculation under the pretense of having some kind of inside connections. Unless it comes from Canon or some kind of known source. (Which we would all be able to reference). Everything else is just them making up stuff out of thin air.

I would have thought Adorama be more reliable than that to just quote known baseless rumors.

But I agree with your sentiment of the verbiage. I only briefly looked at it once and going off memory.

06-12-2024, 02:09 AM
As would be the Quadpixel AF, granted, it is very rarely I run into issues with my R5, but hey, it is likely better.
QPAF (or the functionally equivalent alternating orientation DPAF) would be good. As you say, issues are rare for me as well, since louvered closet doors and split rail fences are not my usual subjects. A bigger problem for me that I hope gets addressed is the failure to achieve focus in an extreme defocus situation. It's reasonably common for me to switch back and forth between close and far subjects, and I find that frequently my R3 simply cannot manage it. If I give it a manual assist with a twist of the MF ring to get closer to the ballpark, it locks on.

The separate PDAF sensors on the better DSLRs (starting with the 40D) had dedicated sensor lines to detect extreme defocus. DPAF really seems to struggle with this, probably because of the very short 'baseline' for detecting the phase difference. Canon had a couple of patents publish earlier this year that describe algorithmic methods of dealing with extreme defocus. Since that means these patents were filed >18 months ago, I hope the improvements find their way into the R1's AF system.

07-10-2024, 02:42 PM
Canon will be making an announcement on July 17th. The R5II will be announced (and should be available for preorder at 6 am EDT on that day). They'll likely also announce more about the R1.

07-10-2024, 11:58 PM
It should be good. My general plan is to pre-order to get my place in line given the supply issues of the last several years, but I really do need to see something worth the investment. My R5 is doing just about everything I would like. Improvements can always be made, but there is also having what you need to get the job done.

I am not 100% sure what I am looking for that will tip the balance in favor of upgrading. But I am excited to see what they have to offer.

Busted Knuckles
07-14-2024, 12:30 PM
I am not even close to maxing out the current capabilities of the R5. There would have to be some mind blowing feature upgrade for me to even consider it.

I would really like to see Canon get their bluetooth/wifi connect to the cell phone figured out to be a 1 touch vs. the confusing chase it is now.

07-16-2024, 11:39 PM
It seems that R1 preorders will also go live at 6a EDT tomorrow. R5II price a little higher than $4K, R1 price between the R3 and 1D X III.