View Full Version : New Glass today! Working FIne?

05-13-2009, 09:37 PM
I just got my new 70-200 2.8 (non is) in the mail today. I got it used on ebay but it was only used for a month and not that fruequently. When i got it i was so excited. This is my dream lens. I shot a lacrosse game with it. It is fantastic. It came with a filter the manual warranty and case for a great deal. I like it but how should i be sure there are no problems with it that i dont notice right away??? like how do i know it is being used to its full potential and how do i know its focusing right etc. One question was that i was shooting and it jumped off focus and back into focus real quick with a kinds thump noise like the IS version does when IS is enabled. Is this ok. I was also shooting on normal AI focusing so maybe it could track it well enough.


05-17-2009, 11:56 PM
also what other warranties are available after purchase?

05-18-2009, 12:01 AM
I'm curious to know how much did you get it for?

05-18-2009, 02:29 PM
I got it for 900$ great deal. it was only used a few times and it included a filter and original packaging and lens hood, case etc.. great deal

05-18-2009, 03:00 PM
Congratulations! What camera body are you going to buy?

also what other warranties are available after purchase?

None that I know of; you could try insurance.

Edit: I don't know how to test to see if it is working properly. If it seems fine it probably is. :-)

05-19-2009, 10:14 PM
how should i be sure there are no problems with it that i dont notice right away?

I'mdefinitelynot the person to give you an exclusive answer on this topic, but from reading other threads on this site I think you take some test shots with it. Like you'd set up an object at a fixed distance from your camera. Using a tripod and not changing any on-camera settings (such as sharpness), you would shoot with your new 70-200 and then shoot with an older lens at the same focal length. (Renting another 70-200 to test yours against would probably be the best way though).

Again, I'm not the authority, but it seems like renting a copy of the lens and shooting the same situation with same camera settings would show any defects in your lens.

Personal question: I'm planning on shooting soccer for my school this summer and a 70-200 f/2.8 non IS is on my wishlist. I've heard that the 70-200 is pretty useless w/o IS (200mm is too long w/o IS?). How do you like it? I suppose the usefulness of IS would depend on the situation, but how did it work for the lax game?

05-19-2009, 10:30 PM
One way that I have seen from reading on here is a kit with two heavy stock pieces of paper. One of them is a printed focus target, and is placed perfectly parallel to the focal plane of your camera body, andthe other, which is placed carefully next to the primary target but inclined up from front to back at a 45 degree angle and with markings at regular intervals. When you take your shot from a tripod with a timer release or remote, you can see whether the lens and camera combo are front- or back-focusing, or working properly. If you find it is not focusing exactly on the proper plane, I don't know how you fix it, though, unless you have a very new Canon body (50D or5D Mk II)with the AF Microadjustment feature.

Maybe it's best not to know, if it's a problem without a readysolution. [;)]

05-19-2009, 11:56 PM
Personal question: I'm planning on shooting soccer for my school this summer and a 70-200 f/2.8 non IS is on my wishlist. I've heard that the 70-200 is pretty useless w/o IS (200mm is too long w/o IS?). How do you like it? I suppose the usefulness of IS would depend on the situation, but how did it work for the lax game?

Mine is awsome and has great Bokeh. A monopod will help alot but i shot without one and i had fast enough shutter speeds so there was no shake. Im fine without the IS so far even in poor lighting conditions i have no thad a terrible problem. I kinda say its worth the extra cash if you have it but i dditn so im fine its really just a luxery. The lax turned put fine. 200 had abaolutely no problem at all and im getting a tele-extender as well and eve nthen it should be fine at around f/4.

05-20-2009, 12:33 AM
Ok, thanks! I figured itwasn'tnecessary,but thought I'd ask. Thanks again.
