View Full Version : Looking for a good walk about bag

05-17-2009, 02:00 AM
I have a great lowepro backpack but when I just want to go out on the town it seems a little much. Can anyone recommend a small bag that could handle a 40d with an attached 17-55? I have been looking at the Lowepro cirrus 25 but not i am not sure if it would be big enough.


05-17-2009, 02:23 AM
Have you taken a look at the Thinktank holster bags? I've got one that can handlemy 5D with a 70-200 f/2.8, or with the extension unzipped, a 400 f/5.6 [:)] They seem reasonably priced and functional. In my opinion, the top opens backwards, but not a big deal...

05-17-2009, 12:37 PM
Have a look @ The ThinkTANK Urban Disguise 10. I'm thinking of getting the exact one, may pros use Thinktank products.


Chris White
05-17-2009, 03:07 PM
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<p class="MsoNormal"]I had the same dilemma for my 50D/EF-S 17-55mm combo. I looked
at the Cirrus 25, but in the end went with the Lowepro Nova 170 AW. I have no regrets
to date. I wanted a little more room. I am able to keep the camera with the
lens attached and the hood reversed and I have room on the other side of the
divider to fit my 580EX II in its Canon case. In the front pocket, I have room
for a spare BP511A camera battery and a spare set for the flash. In the top,
there are two compartments to store extra CF cards. There is not room to store
the camera with a battery grip unless I remove the flash, but since my goal for
this bag was a light walk around bag for the first mentioned gear, it fits my
needs perfectly. As a bonus, it has a built in rain cover in case you are
caught outside at the wrong time. It might be what you are looking for. Good
<p class="MsoNormal"]Chris <span><span>