View Full Version : Canon 50mm F/1.2L

Todd Ovick
05-20-2009, 10:00 PM
Hello everyone, I am new to this forum, though I have referenced Bryans website for quite sometime now and have purchased all of my gear based on his reviews and have been quite happy. I have also been reading all of your posts' and have learned alot! I am "eyeballin" the Canon 50mm F/1.2L as an addition to my arsenal of lens'. I am looking for a fast lens with a fixed focal length to compliment the rest of my gear. This will be my 1st fixed focal length lens and was curious as to wether anyone else owns one or had has any experience wih one. I would appreciate some input and/or some images from the lens and its use. My primary camera body is a canon 5D. I would use this lens primarily for low lit situations, outdoor low light, and portraiture. I Looked at the 85mm F/1.2L but I think that the 50mm would suit me best. I also have read that the 85mm auto focuses slower than the 50mm. Keep in mind I do have "L lens fever,"....hehehe... Much appreciated, Todd

05-20-2009, 11:04 PM
please check the Sigma 50 1.4. I know that Bryan didn't give it the best reviews, but if you can one that doesn't have focusing (front and back) issues, then you will have a keeper, for about the third of the cost. I went through 2 from Amazon, and couldn't be happier!! check the reviews on Fred Miranda, also. Bryan even says that the canon 50 1.4 is definetly worth the price over the 1.2(not worth the price)!!! I'm not at home,(wife's laptop), so I don't have my pictures right now, but please believe when I say that it really is agreat lens, and on a FF you will definetely like the combo(any 50 prime really!!)!!

Sean Setters
05-20-2009, 11:24 PM

I recently got a 50mm f/1.4 Refurbished by Canon from Adorama. I've only used it on one shoot, but so far I really like it. The autofocus isn't quite as good and the out-of-focus highlights aren't quite as pleasing as my other two lenses (17-55mm f/2.8 IS & 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS). However, my other two lenses are substantially more money than the 50 f/1.4, so I really can't complain. For the money, it's a great lens...as long as you're gentle with it. The focusing motor tends to fail after a short drop onto any hard surface.

05-21-2009, 01:54 AM
This one washeavily cropped, like the center is the crease in her armpit. Just a little more than 1/4 of the frame...


Shooting ModeAperture-Priority AE
Tv( Shutter Speed )1/320
Av( Aperture Value )1.2
Metering ModeEvaluative Metering
Exposure Compensation0
ISO Speed200


Shooting ModeAperture-Priority AE
Tv( Shutter Speed )1/60
Av( Aperture Value )1.2
Metering ModeEvaluative Metering
Exposure Compensation0
ISO Speed800


Shooting ModeAperture-Priority AE
Tv( Shutter Speed )1/80
Av( Aperture Value )1.2
Metering ModeEvaluative Metering
Exposure Compensation0
ISO Speed800

This was ridiculously cropped. It's like 1/9th of the total frame..


Shooting ModeAperture-Priority AE
Tv( Shutter Speed )1/100
Av( Aperture Value )2.8
Metering ModeCenter-Weighted Average Metering
Exposure Compensation-1/3
ISO Speed100

I think the strongest quality of this lens is bokeh and color. However, I eventually let it go, because the autofocus up close just pissed me off. Despite being sent back to the factory for service, and having some adjustments, it tended to backfocus up close. It worked fine if you had some distance to your subjects, but both the 85 f/1.2 and the 35 f/1.4 didn't have that problem, so i decided that I would punt it, get a 135 f/2, and wait until Canon came out with a 50 f/1.2 mkII and see what Bryan said about that [:)] might pick up an f/1.8 in the meantime, just to fill the high speed 50mm slot.

05-22-2009, 04:54 AM
I've a 50mm F/1.2L. In the beginning I didn't trust the lense, because I didn't get the amount of keepers as I get from 14mm F/2,8; 24-70mm F/2,8& 70-200 F/2,8 IS.
When I began to analyse where it all went wrong, the main reason of the non-keepers was, that the pictures were to soft. I shoot at F/1.2. Now I use F/1.8 to F/2.0 and I'm quiet happy with the sharpness (blur) this lense gives me.
The second issue of this lense is the (auto)focusing speed. I need really good contrast for autofocusing to lock-on. The (auto)focusing issues is also compared to the above mentioned lenses. I don't know if that is fair or not, but for that kind of money I would expect more

I'm using EOS 400D and don't know if the (auto)focus would be better using 50mm F/1.2 on a 1D body.

Picture 1: 50mm @ F/2.0; 1/100; ISO 200/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer.Components.UserFiles/

Picture 2: 50mm @ F/2.0; 1/50; ISO 200/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer.Components.UserFiles/

Todd Ovick
07-01-2009, 01:50 AM
Thank You for your suggestions. I may wait for a 50mm f/1.2L II version or might save some more for the 85mmm f/1.2L II.

07-01-2009, 03:10 AM
I had the f/1.4 but the motor gave out so rather than pay to have it fixed I just bought a f/1.8. For 130$ canadian it is ridiculously sharp. I would say do yourself a favour and buy one of these and take the apx 1500 you save and...well...do whatever with it. Sure the 1.8 is like a cheap toy but so what? For the price of the 1.2 you could buy 10 of these!

07-01-2009, 06:16 AM
I've been considering a f/1.8...

Maybe on the next impulse buy.

Finally found a 135mm f/2... from DELL.

Geez... I can't get away from them...

07-01-2009, 12:16 PM
"Dude, you're gettin' a DELL...."

Oh wait, even better. You're gettin' an "L!" [H]

Fred Doane
07-01-2009, 02:25 PM

I can't speak about the 50 1.2L but I can tell you I LOVE the 85 1.2L II. As a former 5D owner I loved the 85 1.2 L II on the FF body. I now own the 1Ds Mark III and it couldn't be better with the new micro adjustment ability to dial the lens into the body for perfect focus. I use it exclusively for all the portraits I do and ILOVE it. I'm looking to get into doing wedding photography so I have been thinking about the 50 1.4 only as a backup only for when I can't get far enough back for the shot. Itcan bea little tricky to getthe hang of with the narrow DOF atf1.2 but is amazing in the right situations at that setting. If you get the 85 1.2 L II you won't be disapointed I promise. Here are just a few samples that I have already uploaded onto here. If you'd like to see any more let me know and I can send you some full resolution samples.


1Ds Mark III, 85mm 1.2 L II,iso 200, 1/1000, f2


1Ds Mark III, 85mm 1.2 L II,iso 100, 1/125, f1.4


Todd Ovick
07-01-2009, 06:44 PM

Thank you very much for your input. You photos look excellent! Do you have any shots using the 85mmL with the 5D that you can post?

Fred Doane
07-02-2009, 09:49 AM

None that I'd like to post but if you give me your e-mail address when I return from VA next week I can send you a few.


Todd Ovick
07-02-2009, 02:05 PM
Fred, that would be excellent! High res would be much appreciated. you can send them

thanx again...