View Full Version : WTB: EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L

05-24-2009, 08:23 PM

I'm looking for a 70-200mm f/2.8,caps and hood included, for about $1,000 (is that fair?).

I'dappreciatethe box but it's notnecessary.

I don't need the IS version but if you're absolutelydyeingto get rid of an IS version I wouldn't protest ;) I don't think I could pay any more for the IS though(high schoolstudent budget).

(I realize the 70-200 is a favorite of almost everyone, but I thought I'd try my luck here where people can be trusted before going to eBay)

You can reply here or obleyr@gmail.com Thanks!


05-25-2009, 05:05 PM
I have a 70-200 f/2.8 caps hood case box

Lets talk sale.

Where are you.

05-25-2009, 08:25 PM
I'm in Cranberry Twp, PA.

Do you have any pictures of it?

Can you give me any background info on it? (When you bought it, condition, how much you used it).

05-26-2009, 12:28 AM
I've been doing sports photography for the last few years. I started with a 70-200 f4 which is fine for outdoor but when I moved inside it was just not fast enough. The 70-200 f2.8 did fit the bill a lot better but even it was not fast enough for low light indoors for fast action, I tried a 135 f2.0 and it is great but not close enough. I'd like to find a 200 f1.8 which is not made anymore, so I'm thinking about the 200 f2.0. In order to do that I'm going to have to sell some other lenses. I am going to sell the 70-200 f4 and the 70-200f2.8 they sell for 600 and 1200 new. What I like about the canon lenses is they hold their value. I need 500 for the f4 and 1000 for the f2.8.

Both are in excellent condition 2.8 is about 3 years old, the 4.0 is about 18 months old. have boxes, caps, hoods, bags.

If you are doing out doors and dont need the speed, the 4.0 is a great lens at half the price.
I have never needed IS as it doesn't really help with sports (only helps camera shake) never saw the reason to add 500 for the IS

I bought both from BH photo. I can send pics if they help. They are both in excellent shape, I take great care of my camera gear.

05-26-2009, 01:16 AM
Pictures are notnecessary, but if you have some I wouldn't mind seeing them.

I also want to shoot sports (soccer mainly) but being in Pittsburgh with alott of overcast days I don't believe f/4 would be fast enough. You very well may have a sale on the f/2.8.

Where are you so I can calculate shipping?

$1,000 was my asking price I see no reason I should not be able to do that.

Can you give me a few days to sure up the the loan from my parents (I will be paying them back all summer! haha) before I give you a conclusive answer? I would say there is a 85% chance I will be buying your lens.



05-30-2009, 12:51 PM
Hey iND,

Sorry but I ran into some things and dont have the funds at the moment. Sorry to waste your time on this. Don't feel that you have to hold the lens for me at all. But when I get the funds I might be checking back with you to see if you still have it.

Sorry again,
