Stuart....nice shot, like the "very" low composition of the duck.
The Orioles have returned in force this spring....there were 6 at the feeding station yesterday.
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Stuart....nice shot, like the "very" low composition of the duck.
The Orioles have returned in force this spring....there were 6 at the feeding station yesterday.
Allen Humminbirds
Thanks for viewing and commenting!
This is going to be a good Spring/Summer for the thread. You have Joel who consistently produces excellent quality images; you have Bill W with his "Big White" back posting excellent images; and now Nate comes back and hits a home run with his first post of the season. The big guns are loaded, and I am just going to sit back and enjoy the show.:):):)
Please, please, please keep posting. You guys are the reason I started lurking on this site years ago. I learned a lot from you all, and still do.
I agree Pat. I started watching and became inspired to post images because of Nate's work when this thread first started!
Female and Male Downy Woodpeckers
Female Northern Cardinal
ISO 1600
Love your f Cardinal's pose Joel....nice capture. Thanks Pat and it's good to see Nate posting again. He and Joel take great pix day in and day out.
Jealous of Nate's HB pic....I don't have any flowers blooming yet. :(
Here's a real PITA at my feeding stations, but IMO, the Grackles' iridescence rivals the Ruby-throated HBs in my garden.
[QUOTE=Bill W;88192]Love your f Cardinal's pose Joel....nice capture. Thanks Pat and it's good to see Nate posting again. He and Joel take great pix day in and day out.
Jealous of Nate's HB pic....I don't have any flowers blooming yet. :(
Here's a real PITA at my feeding stations, but IMO, the Grackles' iridescence rivals the Ruby-throated HBs in my garden.
QUOTE]Thanks Bill! I agree about Grackles....they do not frequent my feeders but they have amazing black, blue and purple iridescence. Your image shows it nicely. We'll done.
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome.
Nutmeg Manakin
Rose Breasted Grosbeak...I only get to see these in the first week of May on their way north
ISO 1600
Nice capture Joel....I have 3 males here, but they won't give me a decent natural perch shot. I saw my first female today.
Beautiful Grosbeak Joel, good perch and background!
Green Heron in Flight
Thanks for viewing and commenting
Pileated WP in my back yard set up
ISO 1600
No flash
Eastern Blue Bird Female
ISO 1000
Red Bellied WP
ISO 3200
First, I would like to thank you for always including you camera, lens, and settings data when you post.
I was noticing you still switch a lot between your 1D X and 1D IV. If you use the 1D X you typically use a 1.4X (forced to f/5.6) and the ISO is bumped a stop to a one and a half stops presumably to make up for the loss of light with the one stop loss with the 1.4X. With the 1D IV you get the reach without the tel extender so you do not loose the aperture value, but you still stop down to f/5.6 typically. So I was wondering:
- What drives you to pick up one camera over another? Since you use the same aperture value, is it the ambient light values that drive your decision (better ISO performance on the 1D X)?
- Is the IQ actually better with the 1D IV w/o the Tele Extender compared to the 1D X w/ Tel Extender
- Why don't you use f/4 with your 1D IV? Is it strictly DOF... but the DOF calculator does not show a huge difference between f/4 (1D IV @500mm) and f/5.6 (1D X @ 720mm... no 700mm in the DOF Calculator and I was to lazy to do the math myself) at 10 ft stand off.
I hope you do not mind the sill questions. But I was curious why you use one over the other.
Disclaimer: The numbers I reference above are just from recent post... so I may have over simplified your thought processes - If I did, then I am sorry.
No problem Pat. I include the EXIF because I myself find it helpful when others do the same.
I have been switching back and forth a lot lately mostly because of different sized birds....with the MKIV I can get more pixels on the subject which is helpful for small birds. (finches, sparrows, wrens etc) When the bigger species come in, however, I cannot always get the bird framed correctly with the MKIV without quickly moving back a few feet which doesn't work too well usually....I did pull it off with my last Pileated WP shot because the bird was calling as it came in so I had time to slide back enough. Since I never really know what is going to show up I end up having the "wrong" camera quite often (i.e. I am just goofing around most of the time:))
With both cameras my main goal is to get as much shutter speed as possible because this gives me the best chance of a sharp image. (as you know birds rarely sit still) In addition, my 500mm is sharper when stopped down slightly and also I want the entire bird in focus if possible so I don't shoot much at f/4. As for ISO, I use whatever is needed to give me shutter speed. My back yard is mostly shaded so I usually have to go to at least 1600 and frequently will add fill flash too. If I get a light overcast day with diffused, relatively bright light sometimes I can go lower. I mainly want to avoid underexposure of the subject regardless of BG.
The distance in my set up seems to be just about right for 700mm on the 1DX but with the MKIV 700mm can be too much with the larger birds so I shoot with the bare lens and stop down a little for DOF and sharpness. Using the 1.4 TC II on either camera doesn't degrade the image significantly if I have good light.
I just switch cameras in anticipation of what birds may show up which is not too predictable! I have never calculated a DOF....I just shoot and see what works.
There are some differences in the cameras....with 1DX I seem to always need to be adding + EC and not so much with the MKIV, not sure why. I think I like the 1DX images overall a little better and I have thought of selling the MKIV but it's depreciated so much I will probably just keep it.
Ruby-throated HB, without the ruby. :(
Joel....extremely jealous you have Pileateds in your backyard....great capture.
Stunning shot, Bill. Love the wing blur contrasting the pin sharp body. Nicely done.
Thanks Joel.
I understand driving the shutter speed up as much as possible, that is why I though the 1D X would give you more room to do that with better ISO performance.
I do not get the more pixels comment. Although there is a little, it seems small. That is, if the FF equivalent for your 500mm on the 1D IV is 650mm with 16 MP. As opposed to your 700mm (500mm w/ a 1.4X) on the 1D X and 18 MP. It doesn't seem to be that much different.
It is not like you are capable taking a bad picture with either camera... so my comments are more academic than anything.
PS....what I meant about having more pixels on the subject was IF using the same focal length lens and same distance to subject then the MKIV will have more pixels on the subject than the 1DX and may be capable of better detail on the smaller birds.
Also, for the record, I take plenty of bad images.....they just aren't seen by anyone here:rolleyes:
Pileated WP pair
Bill - I have never seen one straight on like that.
This a Gold Finch taken earlier in the spring when they were just starting to pick up some color.
1D X
100-400mm w/ 1.4x (560mm)
1/1000 sec
ISO 800
Flash with Better Beamer Finch CS5O2667 by westmichigan, on Flickr
Great capture of the pileated pair. Cool head on shot of the can see both eyes and the red cheek feathers! I cannot find the nest of my local pair....might not be on my property:(
dont know what kind of bird this is but he was pretty friendly
100-400 400mm
iso 4000 by sedwards679, on Flickr
It may be a White Throated Sparrow.
Blue jay portrait
Stuart....nice pic (David is right) of the White-throated sparrow.
Thanks Pat....
Nice capture of the GF...spring isn't too far behind when the males start to go electric yellow.
I need to use my flash and better beamer....someday.