Congrats Denise! One word: Wikipedia. They sure do like posing - in my neck of the woods the white-tail won't let you get within a couple hundred yards!
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Steve: I like your B&W treatment. No I don't think you ruined it at all.
Thank you! Oh goodness, a few hundred yards!? In this park there are hundreds of deer and they will pretty much walk within a few feet of you (closer if you let them)! I've had one walk right along side me down the road in the park. There have just been so many people feeding them when they shouldn't be that most of them don't fear humans. I would like to get a nice shot of a buck but I haven't spotted one yet.
@ Steve - I very much prefer the b&w version and the application you used is outstanding!
This is a shot I took today..It was snowing and really cloudy at the lake I was at. This is my favourite shot out of all the shots I made...
Hmm, I'm with you - as a biologist, I don't agree with feeding them but they sure are beautiful animals.
On the other hand, the mule deer around here usually will let you get pretty close 20 - 30'.
About waiting for a this time of year, they're starting to shed their antlers. Apparently anywhere from January - April then they start growing the next set over the spring/summer/fall. Then you'd have to wait for september/october...But good luck!
Here's a shot from a few Christmases ago. Taken with my old Rebel XT and the kit 55-200 @200.....not the best lens or pic but it sure was exciting sneaking up on this guy...! My heart was pounding so hard I wished that I had 4-stop IS on this plastic zoom, lol
Attachment 390
Thanks Damian and Denise.
You two D's are chasing deer all over the place, nice mule?? deer. Is that what you call a male deer?
Love the deer shots....
Steve...didn't ruin the shot at all, to my eye, they are very different. I do prefer the original. It has some sort of timeless innocence element to it.
Hi Steve. The mule deer is one type of deer species that inhabits these parts. I'm no expert but here in Western Canada, there are 4 main large "Deer"-type mammals: White-tailed deer, Mule deer, Elk, and Moose (there's also Caribou in Canada but they prefer the far north latitudes). On Vancouver Island I've seen smaller "stunted" versions of the white-tail/muley type.
I would love to get a shot of a mule deer!!
My old boss had the head of one on his office wall that he shot (literally) and it stared at me all day, every day ...quite eerie! I thought he had a camera inside to keep an "eye" on me ...LOL! I would decorate the antlers with Christmas ornaments which didn't thrill him at all!