So, toward the end of the Apopka Wildlife Drive, Mike (Busted Knuckles) noticed two GBHs acting a bit odd on either side of the road:
Attachment 2799
Attachment 2800
We weren't sure if this was a territorial dispute or some sort of mating ritual (I am not enough of a birder to know male/female GBHs).
Sure enough, a little patience and the fight broke out: by kayaker72, on Flickr by kayaker72, on Flickr by kayaker72, on Flickr by kayaker72, on Flickr
The fight ended on one side of the road with what I think was the adult GBH fleeing. The immature GBH gave chase, but this quickly ended with them both getting dunked and the immature GBH taking off:
Attachment 2801 by kayaker72, on Flickr
A lot of fun to watch, but as far as I am concerned, just more evidence---Birds are mean.
Thanks for viewing--Brant