Spent the weekend building a cathouse for the kitten, here are the results.
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One happy cat.
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Spent the weekend building a cathouse for the kitten, here are the results.
Attachment 1032
Attachment 1033Attachment 1034
One happy cat.
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Busy Boy......Lucky Kitten.....Great shots....... :cool:
Wow, Steve! That is one fantastic house for your kitty!! Nice construction job and photos!
I spent part of the day with two of my granddaughters at the park the other day! I don't get to see them often so it was quite the pleasurable afternoon!
IMG_0623 by Denise Trocio ( www.dtrociophotography.com), on Flickr
I think I can, I think I can! by Denise Trocio ( www.dtrociophotography.com), on Flickr
A day at the park with my granddaughter :) by Denise Trocio ( www.dtrociophotography.com), on Flickr
My granddaughter Aubrey by Denise Trocio ( www.dtrociophotography.com), on Flickr
Sorry so many but that's what grandma's do ...show off photos of their grandkids :)
Thanks Wally and Denise, not bad for a locksmith I suppose. There is a tunnel going up from the left hand side to our bedroom window, with a cat flap, so he can go from outside to inside.
Great series from the park Denise, really like the last one, that smile is contagious.
Great shots everybody! So many different types of shots, but all so good!:)
Denise for some reason I think your house is too small for all the photos of your grandkids;)
Nice cat porch. Our cats own our porch. Their "signs of ownership" are everywhere. Barely an unscathed piece of wood out there. :-P
Great shots, Denise. Especially that last one.
Took a shot at getting some lightening shots. Taken from the front door of my house (a bit lazy, but the camera stayed dry).
Lightening-HDR by westmichigan, on Flickr
Lightening-3653 by westmichigan, on Flickr
Fantastic shots, Pat! My fav is the last one!
Photo of the flowers my daughter gave me for mother's day ...
Flowers for Mother's Day by Denise Trocio ( www.dtrociophotography.com), on Flickr
Denise...really fun set of the grandaughters followed up by a beauty of a shot of flowers....
Pat...I agree with Denise, really like #2.