2 and 4 are my favorites, let us see some more
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Impressive setup, Steve, must be one happy cat! The tunnel is unbelievable - is the cat not allowed in the rest of the house, or why the need for a ramp on the outside?
Thanks Arnt, the cat has the run of the house when we are there and gets on good with the dogs. But, we live on acerage and have a lot of birds, so we have decided to make the cat an inside cat only and with the tunnel he can go to an outside screened enclosure, or have the upstairs area. This set up still allows the dogs to come and go as they please, through their doggy doors.
Love the cat house and chute. We could use something like that.
My corn crop is coming along nicely.
Nice perspective Mark.
Is this Travis Tritt country? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmD_Yjn-JYM
Oh yeah. Corn to the horizons.
Black Hills South Dakota Day 2: Red-sided Garter Snake followed by Black Hills Redbelly Snake.
The only thing that somewhat saved this shot was the texture! He never shows up when I am outside, ready and prepared for him, only when I am inside and see him through the window!
Ruby-throated hummingbird by Denise Trocio ( www.dtrociophotography.com), on Flickr
A fisheye shot using the old Canon f/2.8 15mm. I was pleased with how well this particular fisheye view suited both the setting and the light. A little post-processing in Lightroom 3, bringing down the blue and pushing up the green.
This is from today before the storm came.
May 24, 2012 by saslls, on Flickr