Nice one Bob.
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Nice one Bob.
Bob...both of those are great pictures...really well done!
Bob and Joel, really nice HB shots! you guys are rock! hope I can learn to shoot this little guy later this year.
a bonus bird shot from my trip to Legoland today, the 135mm2.0 was my only lens.
Thanks JJ, your RWB is cool,
I like the pattern on the top of his back.
The natural perch is a plus too.
Another of my recent HB series. I like this one because I can actually see the eye through the wings.
Same set up with the 1D3, 300mm 2.8L and 4 flashes.
Thats a pretty cool shot Joel
JJ, you did this bird justice, Sharp, clean background, great colors,
Nice shot.
Wow, JJ! You make me want to shoot birds with my 135mm to see what I can come up with! Beautiful photo!
I know shooting birds on a feeder is a major no-no but I just couldn't resist this one ...
Cute interaction shot Denise....looks just a tad under exposed on my monitor but the sharpness is excellent and the BG is awesome.
Thanks, Joel! And you are right, now that I look at it again. I mostly worked in post on the overexposed feeder and birds wings on the left that were in direct sun but now I see I may have left the bird on the right and the front of the left bird that was in the shade underexposed.
Easy fix, thanks for pointing it out to me!