Thank you!:)
Printable View
Thank you!:)
Wonderful shot Denise! The creativity, execution and processing are first class! And I fully agree with conropl that this needs to printed large.
I agree with all the previous comments Denise, your vision to create this shot and your technical skills to record it leave no doubt that you have transcended from being a photographer to being an artist.
Beautiful work.
Thank you, guys!! Maybe at some point I will get it printed ...I am thinking maybe a metallic print(?)
Metal is what I was thinking... those colors would look terific on metal. I have had seven shots printed on metal so far, and they work out really well (especially with colors). They go over well especially if you like the glossy look (which I think would work well with yours also).
Greetings again, all. I haven’t posted here in ages. I did notice the other day that this site made it to the six “most visited” sites on Chrome. The reference material about Canon products is simply fantastic. So, I thought that I should participate in the forums more. Here are a couple of recent shots.
From a recent trip to San Fran where I have been wanting this shot for years.
And, from a recent cruise to Alaska.
I agree! Pat, where have you had your metal prints done? I have used Image Wizards and am quite happy with the results.
Here's one from this morning: Sunrise on Mount Crowfoot at Bow Lake, Icefields Parkway, Banff. The days are getting shorter, but I still had to set the alarm to 4:50 am to capture this (it's a 90 minute drive from home).
Attachment 1397
@theRoff, nice ones.
@Jonathan, that's a superb backyard you've got there mate.
Nice shots, everyone.
I have nothing current that is as creative as Denise's flower, or as nice as Johnathan's mountain, or as iconic as TheRoff's bridge.
At our local agility club they had a day dedicated to Westie Rescue. My wife was there helping out, and I manned the 7D/70-300L combo for some practice. An Aussie and Bella also make an appearance break up any potential over-Westie-ness. Some of you may be happy that none of these are cross processed. :) Some of you may NOT be happy that every single one of them is backlit... I'm with you all there.
Westie 1 by namethatnobodyelsetook, on Flickr
Westie 2 by namethatnobodyelsetook, on Flickr
Westie 3 by namethatnobodyelsetook, on Flickr
Gamble by namethatnobodyelsetook, on Flickr
Bella makes a tree by namethatnobodyelsetook, on Flickr