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Some more nice portraits Denise.....good work!
JJphoto...about noise....there are probably more than a few ways to reduce noise and maintain detail :
1. Avoid underexposure like the plague.....terrible noise in shadows or dark areas...even worse with high ISO....keep the sun at your back, avoid harsh light.
2. Photoshop has a filter called reduce noise. It has various settings to allow you to keep detail from smearing out. In CS5 it works pretty good. You can always make multiple passes at a low setting to see the effect gradually.
3. Consider a Photoshop Plugin such as Noise Ninja, Topaz Denoise or Noiseware Pro.....these are reputed to be the best.
This is from back yard setup this evening, 1DMKIII, 300mm 2.8L + 1.4TC, 1/400, f/6.3, ISO 400
thanks Joel! I
Thanks Joel for the quick reply!
Originally Posted by Joel Eade
Yeah, the 800mm, maybe the only solution is to work 6 days a week[:(]
A Red Breasted Nuthatch shot by the wife, taken a couple weeks back.
T1i + 24-105mm f/4L @ 105mm, f/6.3, 1/800s, ISO 800
Nice Shots David and Joel!
Ok.., All of you bird people out there have inspired me, especially Joel and JJ!
<span style="font-size: 11.6667px;"]After my Football Game Saturday I was all pumped up, so I went out and shot these big birds for the first time. So, any tips or pointers are always appreciated.
Manual Exposure, Very minimal PP, all uncropped except #4 cropped about 10%.
<span style="font-size: 11.6667px;"]EOS 7D: 300mm f/2.8 IS, 2x extender @600mm, f/5.6, 1/1000sec, ISO 500, Circular Pol. </div>
<span>EOS 7D: 300mm f/2.8 IS, 2x extender @600mm, f/5.6, 1/1000sec, ISO 640, Circ. Pol.
<span>EOS 7D: 300mm f/2.8 IS, 2x extender @600mm, f/5.6, 1/1000sec, ISO 400, Circ.Pol.
<span>EOS 7D: 300mm f/2.8 IS, 2x extender @600mm, f/5.6, 1/1000sec, ISO 500, Circ. Pol.
EOS 7D: 300mm f/2.8 IS, 2x extender @600mm, f/5.6, 1/1000sec, ISO 400, Circ.Pol.
<span>Thanks for looking!
C&C always Welcome!
David - That shot is so cool! I wonder what my chances are of getting my daughter to stand out in the middle of the yard with her hand filled with bird seed while we wait patiently for a bird to land!?[^o)]
Joel - Awesome photo as usual!
Rich - If this isn't your regular gig, you sure could fool me! Your shots are fantastic!! Hard for me to pick which one I like best but I think #2 wins!
Originally Posted by ddt0725
I don't know about your yard, but if there's some forest trails nearby, then potentially fairly good. The birds in the city can find feeders easily enough that they don't bother with people directly. You'll be able to hand-feed Chickadees mainly, and nuthatches on occasion. As winter approaches and they find less food, they'll come more readily, but Chickadees will come to you year-round. They love sunflower seeds, shelled, or not. My wife went out yesterday with a friend. They took simultaneous photos of each other with chickadees on their heads. We have a few shots with 2 chickadees on my wife's head, and shots with 4 swarming around her.
They're hungry.
<p style="padding-left: 30px;"]( from
"Chickadees need to eat almost constantly in winter, and will exploit every avenue to access a meal. In parks like Weaselhead where they are have learned that people are really just walking vending machines, it's not only easy (and a lot of fun) to feed the little 'dees, but the savvy birds actively solicit passersbys. As soon as you stretch out your hand a chickadee will land there. I've had up to three on my hand at once squabbling for dominance. Sometimes a dominant bird will sit there for a minute and may even call."
Originally Posted by ddt0725
Oh, and if you're looking for larger birds, my wife stumbled across some birders at a park by the river who had figured out how to lure in seagulls... with shrimp.
LOL! Man, am I cheap ...the most the seagulls get from me is stale bread and they were pretty much attacking my 2 year old granddaughter for it!!!
Hi! Rich, those are awesome shots! I
Thanks Denise and JJ, your encouragement is appreciated!
JJ, In the originals above, I hadbumped up the exposure in PP with the slider, from 0.4 on some to 0.6 on others. (Maybe I over did it). I will readjust and re-post them and let me know what you think, as well as anyone else that would like to render an opinion.
Same EXIF data as above.
Just lowered exposure a bit on all of these, as per your recommendation. KIndly, let me know what you think!
Does anyone know why the front of the wings look a little jagged here, however they look fine on Flickr and my monitor at home?
Rich, they look a lot better to me!
what I learned for properly exposing the whites is to start with f16,ISO200,and 1/200 in M mode, so say you want to shoot f5.6, ISO 400, than the shutter speed should be 1/3200(is my calculating right?), than check the histogram in your camera,adjust setting if needed. you want to push it to the right as much as you can but not overexpose it( only when you shoot in raw). often, you will see the whites are too bright without details in your computer, that's very normal, all you need to do is to adjust the brightness/contrast to bring back the details of whites in PP
in your case, shooting such a white bird in sunny day with back lighting without fill flash is very hard to get balanced exposure. but you did a pretty good job.
again, I'm not a tech guy, anybody correct me if I'm wrong.
Thanks JJ, That's very helpful, I'll keep those numbers in mind.
I must say that the histogram was in the middle, that's why I bumped up the exposure at home in PP, but you're right ,you do lose the detail in the white feathers if it's overexposed. I do shoot in Raw only, and tend to underexpose and bump up as neceessary, so this way I don't blow it out completely where it becomes unrecoverable. The above shots still have about +0.2 exposure in PP.
Shooting these birds are alot of fun!
It's like sports, but in the 3rd Dimension, with no boundaries. I feel like it could only add to my sports shooting.
Originally Posted by JJphoto
Your calculations look right to me, and I would I also like to add that my B&W Circular Polarizing filter loses 1.3 stops of light. The 2X extender loses 2 f-stops as well, but that is howI got to f/5.6 from the maxium wide aperture of f/2.8 so that has been accounted for already.
So, based on your Sunny 16 formula, I was close with f/5.6, 1/1000sec, ISO 400 if you take into account the Circ Pol.
Good to know!
Cormorant fishing
Canon 7D + EF 500 f/4L IS, f/4, 1/2000, ISO 200, Manual Exposure, Tripod low o the ground.
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Oh, yeah,Rich, I forgot that CP filter. as long as you push it to the right but not over it in your camera's histogram, you are fine.
I shot this one about a year ago in jpeg, 7D, 300mm2.8+1.4TC, f4.0, ISO400, 1/6400, still loss some detail, getting proper exposure is always a hard part to me
and the exposure of the following one seems better
7D, 300mm2.8, f4.5,ISO100,1/2500 in raw
the PP are kind of rough[:$]
Nate, what a nice catch! it's just a beautiful shot of nature.
JJphoto, nice Egret shots, the second one is primo!!!
This is a Juvenile White Ibis
500mm f/4L IS USM
iso 400
Joel, Nice Ibis shot, Sharp, nice bokeh----These shots keep me motivated to go out and assault the sandhills and snow geese---Its that time of year again for us in the southwest. Hopefully, I can add something to this string in the next week or two.
Originally Posted by Bob Williams
yeah, another great shot as usual, Joel!
it's pretty sad that I have never seen a ibis or spoon bill here in southern California, no sandhill either, can't wait to see your pictures Bob.
Nice Ibis shot Joe, good light and sharp, maybe a little more room on the bottom.
JJphoto, if you want ibis, there
thanks Nate for the information! I'v been thinking going to San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine for long time because I'v seen some great shots you took there, it's not too far from where I live, I'll go there to shoot later for sure. I don't know Salton sea though, I will google it out. I went to shoot California brown pelican in La jolla in Jan. this year just because you mentioned it here. I got up so early like you did and drove about 1.5h in dark just by myself, but I had a great time shooting there, I hadn't gone home till my wife and my twins(crying) called me......[:|] thanks again!
Great capture Nate! Are you sure you
You guys have inspired me to get some bird shots in the wild so I went to the river yesterday in the hopes of getting some spectacular shots of a GBH. I've seen them at the spillway before so that's where I went. Unfortunately they weren't being very cooperative!
This is the best I could muster, but at least it has a King Fisher in it too!
Originally Posted by Richard Lane
I use the All About Birds Website---Its pretty handy and easy to use.
Nice composition Paul!
Now we have to work on getting it a little sharper, faster shutter speed and higher iSO, monopod, support your elbows, hold your breath, be gentle with the shutter button. Is this cropped? Oh.., you could breathe now.
That big rock on the left, looks like a Seal coming out of the water, that has turned to stone. Are you Dr. Seuss or a Wizard?
What focusing modes and AF points are you using?
Thanks Bob, I
Here is another one,
Thanks Again Bob, those sites are exactly what I was looking for!
Thanks for the tips Rich! I went out and tried again hopefully I did better. I took my monopod this time!!
The shot above is cropped but otherwise no PP. I was shooting with AI servo with high speed continuous and Manual Select :Zone AF in the center zone.
Today I used same except single point AF at the center point.
I just got back so I am just now loading images. Hopefully I
Richard, I never feed anything! In this case it's the State that did the feeding [:D]. The CA Department of Fish and Gamesplants rainbow trouts once every two weeks at some of the local parks' lakes for recreational fishing.
I'm still after THE fullframe shot with ISO 400 and below, good light, good head angle of fish and bird and a lot of splashes...
Here's theone I got this morning, it'll do for now until the next planting
7D & 500 f/4L IS, f/4, 1/3200, ISO 3200, Aperture Priority, Tripod, Noise Ninja
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Here's the best image I managed today.
Cormorant on the Catawba by, on Flickr
Nate, this one is even better than the last one! Love the Action!
Paul, This one is looking better too, keep it up!
Here are some more from last weekend!
7D, 300mm f/2.8L, 1.4X Extender, @420mm, f/5.6, 1/1000sec, ISO 200, Circ. Pol.
<span style="font-size: 14.4px;"]7D, 300mm f/2.8L, 1.4X Extender, @420mm, f/5.6, 1/1000sec, ISO 200, Circ. Pol.
7D, 300mm f/2.8L, 1.4X Extender, @420mm, f/5.6, 1/1000sec, ISO 320, Circ. Pol.
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C&C Welcome!
Wow, great capture, Nate, like the splashes sooooo much!
Paul, nice try of BIF, I like the pose and lighting, exposure is right to me. bird's eye is not sharp enough, looks like a little not in focus to me, and it will be better if you could put the bird more on the right side IMO.
Rich, on my computer, I can only see the last picture, I think that's something wrong with flikr