Some Snow Geese a little north of St. Louis:
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Some Snow Geese a little north of St. Louis:
Joel, actually, this was the first time I have seen Snow Geese that weren't 30,000 feet flying over head. I was a little excited and left my tripod in the car.
60D 300mm f4L IS f/4 1/800 ISO 100
I understand....when you get a shot at something new it's difficult to remember all the things that you might want to try but with big flocks of birds you can get some interesting shots with shutter speeds around 1/8 to 1/15 sec (handheld).
Here is one I took of some snow geese at the Bosque....
Hi Everybody,
I have been lurking for a while, this is my first post. Great forum, I already learned a lot.
I don't shoot birds a lot, but I was lucky this morning when this guy landed on our neighbor's house:
600D/T3i, EF-S 55-250 @250 f/5.6
Does anyone know what kind of bird this is?
Looks like a Cooper's Hawk.
Yep, I agree with Dseigel. Cooper's Hawk
Thanks Dsiegel and Bob,
the picture is certainly not exceptional, but I was happy to see that guy around scaring the pigeons away. I also like to see wild life (other than pigeons) being able to adjust to suburban areas.