37 in February is a heatwave here! Snow is melting but 6" coming tomorrow and Wednesday! It was nice while it lasted!
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Had an hour or two before my flight in Washington DC:
Small-2229 by kayaker72, on Flickr
Small-2263 by kayaker72, on Flickr
Small-2269 by kayaker72, on Flickr
Thanks for viewing....Brant
Nice photos Brant, my wife and I were planning on visiting DC for the Cherry Blossom Festivial, but she's going to be 7-8 months pregnant at that point and there's going to be a lot of walking around so I'm not sure if that'll be a good time to go.
Brant, all those shots are really spectacular!! Very nicely done!
Here is another crazy photo from me ...
Dancin' In The Streets by Denise Trocio ( www.dtrociophotography.com), on Flickr
Very cool shot Denise - they really seem to have a good time!
When I got home tonight I saw the (almost) full moon behind some pine branches and a hazy sky. I thought it looked like a nice photo and took out the camera. It did take a combination of three exposures to create something similar to what I saw.
Attachment 1721
Love the tones in your moonshot cls.
Denise, that is a great winter postcard.
Top shots Brant, the middle one is my favourite, I like the blues.
I like the DC photos Brant. I live in Annapolis, just outside DC and don't get down there enough.
Can you tell I have way too much time on my hands!?
Peep by Denise Trocio ( www.dtrociophotography.com), on Flickr
cls - I like the moon with a little fog for atmospher.
Denise - Your dogs are amazing. The dancing in the streets is hilarious.
Brant - I agree with Steve... the middle one is my favorite.
Thanks everyone. Happy you like the shots.
@ James....7-8 months may be pushing it. I've never been there during the Cherry blossom festival, but I hear it is very crowded. The DC mall is great, but there is a ton of walking to see everything. And as for pregnancy, everyone is different. But I can see that being an issue.
@ Denise...love the dogs...that is cracking me up....
@ CLS....very cool shot...well done.