Re: Post your best bird shots!
Thanks guys, I was very lucky with the Kenko. I actually bought another one and was stacking them for a while for some macro stuff and it still worked really well. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend the 1.4x TC to anyone. Only issue is the new DGX one doesn't work with my 70-200f4 IS. Heard other people with that problem too. Oh well, at least I have one that works.
I am always amazed at the pictures you guys post on here and thank you for the inspiration. Now if it would hurry up and become spring.
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Female Cardinal
300mm 2.8L + 1.4 TC II
Manual exposure
ISO 1000
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Hi Guys,
@JJ, it looks like you
Re: Post your best bird shots!
What sup guys and gals?
Looks like you guys/gals are having alot of fun, I have seen some excellent shots. It makes me very happy to see this thread still the number 1 thread [:)]
Here's mine, hope you like it, feel free to comment/critique and thanks for viewing
Cormorant Fishing
f/4.5, 1/2500 sec, ISO 200
Larger Version http://photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=12289410&size=lg
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Well Nate, I think that qualifies for the full frame, frontal shot that you
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Joel, like the red color of the cardinal shot! well done.
Nate, just simply another awesome shot!, just feel bad for that poor fish[:(]
and thanks Rich for the comment!
Re: Post your best bird shots!
I decided to try my 70-200f4L IS with two Kenko 1.4xtc stacked and the results weren't too bad. I could definitely tell there was some defraction and image degeneration, but I can't complain.
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Thanks JJ. I was very pleased with the results. I did learn that I am really bad at manual focusing and got lucky on a couple. I believe these were all at f10, 1/400 sec, at iso of 400 or something right close to there.
Here are the two pictures you have mentioned. Both are sized to 750 with no sharpening or cropping. Just the exposure adjustments mostly. On the other pictures I used Nates sharpening technique and NN for the smoothing of the background. I did take out a branch in the second picture.
Re: Post your best bird shots!
thanks Jayson, these two pictures look sharp without any sharpening. I also like the lighting and background of the last one. this just opens my eyes, I
Re: Post your best bird shots!
EXIF imbedded.
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Lovely Brown Pelican image!
All the talk about the new teleconverters inspired me to break out my version II 2X and give it a try, I seldom use it because the 1.4 works so well and my set up in the yard doesn't require any more focal length. I moved my blind back a little and this White Throated Sparrow was taken at near minimum focus distance. The version II converter can produce decent results.
300mm 2.8L + 2.0 X TC II
Iso 1600
Fill flash with 430 EXII at 1/8 power
Re: Post your best bird shots!
The theme of the thread is Post Your Best Bird Shots
I can't say this is my best bird shot, however:
These guys were real common growing up, rarely you see them any more here at home. In the last two years I have watched for them. Four times I have seen one, only twice was I able to get the camera out quick enough. This time I find myself with to much Focal Length .... Every time so far it was crummy background and fore ground, brown bird brown everything.....but here he is.
Mr. Road Runner
500mm F4.0 ISO 200 1/2500
Re: Post your best bird shots!
With no camera, I've had nothing but time on my hands to go thru old photos so here are a couple I took last fall. Not great but I think they are ok enough to add. Noise level is high due to extremely high ISO I used. These were taken at sunsetbut I was still determined to get a few decent shots!
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Good sharp images Denise, I bet your missin
Re: Post your best bird shots!
This another shot using the 2X teleconverter version II
300mm 2.8L + 2.0 TC II
ISO 1600
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Joel - I did crop it differently and you are right, it looks better with having more above the head. Although, now I think I am to close on the bottom! [:P] I think these show that my 7D was performing adequately.
I am missing my cameraand that's putting it mildly! The withdrawal pains are pretty strong but my family is really enjoying teasing me about it! So I never have to go thru this again, another camera is tops on my list! Although it will be awhile, I sure am drooling over the 1d Mk IV!!
Beautifulwoodpecker shot! If there was any pp, it sure was done in a very natural way ...the detail is awesome! I was going to sell my 1.4ex II but now you have me thinking twice about that!
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Bought a Promaster 1.4x teleconverter. Not bad for the price ($129.99 + tax). This is a 50% crop with the 1.4x on a 300mm f4L IS (shot on Canon 40D, f5.6, 1/500s, iso 1250).
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Here's another with the same setup. Got a little brighter out. Got the iso down to 500.
Re: Post your best bird shots!
dhesling, I love the composition of the Pelican shot!
Joel, nice Woodpecker shot with the 2X! I think the 2x II is pretty good for stationary subjects, especially for the price when you factor in what a 400mm plus 1.4X costs, or a 600mm.
Rick, Congrats on the Road Runner capture! Sometimes when I have too much reach on a prime lens, I'm not sure what's better, getting the whole subject in the frame or going for the head and body shot? What do you think? Unfortunately in this case, the tail is what is really cool about the Road Runner. Tough Call! This happened to me on some shots at the Air Show with a Plane. Who wants to see a chopped off plane in mid air? Wouldn't it be nice if we could flip a switch and zoom out. Doesn't Nikon have something like that; FF or Crop setting?
Denise, I like the 2nd crop much better too. Hopefully your baby will come home to you soon!
dsiegel, Nice job of adjusting your ISO for the changing lighting conditions. The Promaster looks pretty good in the 2nd shot.
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Great shots everyone. Sorry to hear about being without Denise. I have two rebels just sitting around just in case something like that happens. Need to sell those for some other gear. Hopefully it will be worth it. Joel, that is a great shot of the woodpecker. I can never get close enough for even a semi decent shot. Was that taken at your setup or out in the wild?
Re: Post your best bird shots!
I took a walk with my family on the frozen Milwaukee River today. There were 3 mallards having a swim in a small section of open water. Here's one of them!
7D, EF 100-400, ISO 200, f/5.6, 1/500s at 400mm, and then cropped in (I didn't want to fall in!)
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Originally Posted by Jayson
<span style="font-size: 11.8056px;"]Was that taken at your setup or out in the wild?<span style="font-size: 11.8056px;"]
<span style="font-size: 11.8056px;"]Jayson,
<span style="font-size: 11.8056px;"]It was my back yard set up .... woodpeckers love suet .... get a suet cage, load it up and put something close by for them to perch on at just the right distance for your lens and wait for 'em
<span style="font-size: 11.8056px;"]If there are any in your area they will find it, other songbirds like it too but woodpeckers love it!
Re: Post your best bird shots!
This is another frame of the same bird ....
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Joel, by looking at your shots, it
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Some awesome photos here, thought I'd add my contribution to this huge thread :P
View Larger
Taken with a 70-200mm f/4 @ 200mm on a 500D
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Originally Posted by JJphoto
I'd like to hear your opinion about it if you shoot more distant objects or moving objects with your 2X TC.
<div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>
I set up my feeders and hide with the 1.4X in mind so I haven't used the 2.0X very much. I bought them both at the same time thinking I would use them equally but it just hasn't worked out that way. Mostly because I have been successful with the 1.4 so I haven't adequately explored the possibilities with the 2.0X.
I can tell you that the 2.0X doesn't yield as many sharp images as the 1.4X ( at least to my standard of sharpness) and this is especially true when it's wide open (ie f/5.6). In post processing you can tell the 2.0X image needs more work most of the time.
If you have enough light to stop down to f/8 or f/11 and still maintain a high shutter speed it can produce some good images with the 300 2.8 lens.
Most of the birds I shoot are moving but not flying, the songbirds seldom sit still around the feeders. They are constantly looking around and shifting position and they are at close range so a high shutter speed is mandatory. On these gray winter days I am using fill flash and still have to use ISO 1600.
I think the 2.0X Version II can do well under the right conditions but the 1.4X is no doubt sharper. It appears the version III 1.4X is not much better than version II on the current lenses.
From what I have seen the version III 2.0X is better than the version II on the current supertele. lenses but I will be waiting for the new version lenses to see howthey both perform.
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Originally Posted by Joel Eade
From what I have seen the version III 2.0X is better than the version II on the current supertele. lenses but I will be waiting for the new version lenses to see howthey both perform.
Your setiments about the 2x are identical to mine.
A few days ago Bryan posted the results of the new III version convertors on 300mm F2.8L. To me they looked better than the initial lens used for the first test, the200mm. Even the 2x looked like it had potential.
I would have ordered one and tried, but they are just up for preorder now.
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Originally Posted by Joel Eade
From what I have seen the version III 2.0X is better than the version II on the current supertele. lenses but I will be waiting for the new version lenses to see howthey both perform.
thanks Joel! and yes, that will be very interesting to see. this year is going to be very interesting and exciting because of those new lenses and TCs with all the possible combination with older lenses, TCs and different bodies......, can't wait!
Re: Post your best bird shots!
two recent shots with the 500mm+1.4TCII
hard to do BIF with it, so kind of miss the 300mm,it looks like I will not sell the 300mm or trade it for a 200mm2.0( but I have been thinking trade it for a 1D IV though)
thanks for viewing!
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Nice shots JJ ... the comorant looks to need a little sharpening on the wing but I love the pose.....what f stop did you use? You might make that image stronger by cropping some off the left and bottom then add some canvas on top and right side.
that 500mm is a life changer ain
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Originally Posted by Joel Eade
the comorant looks to need a little sharpening on the wing but I love the pose.....what f stop did you use?
yes, the wing is blurred because of the small f(f5.6, ISO800), I tend to use wider aperture to avoid high ISO I should have used bigger f stop for wider DOF. I feel more comfortable using higher ISO since I understand more about exposure and PP.
Originally Posted by Joel Eade
that 500mm is a life changer ain't it?
kind of I think, but I havn't touched my 300mm and 400mm since I got the 500mm, 500mm+1.4 TC needs a lot of light to get faster shutter speed even in sunny day light, it forced me to push the ISO higher so I have to pay a lot more attention on getting best exposure and effective NR in PP to reduce noise, i think that should also contribute to the improvement of the IQ. but then, reach is reach, more reach does make big difference and better bokeh, plus the contrast of the 500mm seems better too.
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Originally Posted by JJphoto
two recent shots with the 500mm+1.4TCII
hard to do BIF with it, so kind of miss the 300mm,it looks like I will not sell the 300mm or trade it for a 200mm2.0( but I have been thinking trade it for a 1D IV though)
<div style="CLEAR: both"]</div>
My 1D IV came in last night and I took it out for a test drive. The 500mm felt just right for tracking BIF, and it did an awesome job. AF is a big jump up. I am gonna hang on to the 7D a week or so more to make sure the 1D IV is the way to go, but so far I am impressed. ...it even gets me thinking about trading off my two 5D's and maybe getting a 1Ds Mark III instead.
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Wow, congratulations!, HD, but don't convince me please![:D]
anyway, I 'd like to know how you think about this 1D IV compare to the 7D, especially the Al Servo AF, tracking .... those kind of stuff. I'm thinking get a second body so I can use one for BIF with my 400mm 5.6 and one for other kind of bird shot, maybe two 7Ds is more suit to me since the 7D is just a lot lot cheaper. would you post some BIF shots take with both bodies if possible? thanks!
Re: Post your best bird shots!
BlueJay .... from the backyard setup ... on a gloomy winter day
300mm 2.8L IS USM + 2.0X TC II
Tripod + Wimberly II
Manual mode and evaluative metering
External Flash : 2 430EX II flashes on light stands triggered with pocket wizards
ISO 1600
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Originally Posted by JJphoto
I 'd like to know how you think about this 1D IV compare to the 7D, especially the Al Servo AF, tracking
This was the second day I got to try out the 1D IV. Nothing exceptional today as the birds were only cooperating a little. I did get to see a bald eagle, which is the first I have ever seen in my part of the world. I got shots but he was over 400 yards away so really all I got was proof I saw one.
After two days I am certain of this. Today I got to try AI mode. The auto focus is a lot more accurate and a lot faster than the 7D. When I bought the 7D to use instead of the 5D for wildlife, my keeper rate never went up and I really thought it would have because of the 7D's autofocus. The keeper rate the two times I have went out so far have went up significantly.
For some reason with the 7D it felt like I was always fighting to get enough light. It doesn't feel that way with the 1D and it never felt that way with the 5D. Maybe its the crop factor and I just needed to get more used to it.
The IQ out of any of these three cameras, I do not think you would ever notice in the final product in any difference in real world situations. The 7D image has to be manipulated more in DPP, the 5D you could manipulate just a little but for the most part seemed like they came out of the camera very close. The 1D Mark IV come out of the camera very sharp and with good IQ, when you start manipulating them there is not as much to do.
This little guy posed for me, 500mm 1D Mark IV, F4.0 1/800, ISO200
Re: Post your best bird shots!
f/4.5, 1/2500, ISO 200
There was no blinkies on the belly of the fish, but it does look overexposed, what do you think?
Thanks for viewing and commenting.
Re: Post your best bird shots!
thanks HD, the bird's eye in the picture looks very sharp.
Originally Posted by HDNitehawk
After two days I am certain of this. Today I got to try AI mode. The auto focus is a lot more accurate and a lot faster than the 7D. When I bought the 7D to use instead of the 5D for wildlife, my keeper rate never went up and I really thought it would have because of the 7D's autofocus. The keeper rate the two times I have went out so far have went up significantly.
you are one of the few people have both 7D and 1DIV in this forum, those information are very valuable for me, and you may have more thoughts after you play your 1D IV for more times. thanks for sharing!
Re: Post your best bird shots!
All the great bird-photos here make me want to make one myself as well, so I tried it....
It's hard, even with a tripod and a remote I must have been at about 4 feet from the feeder with my 70-200 on 200mm.
Anyway I did manage to get some shots, but I think nature is telling me that I should leave it to the big boys [;)]
Here's my "best" bird shot:
Manual settings: ISO-800 F5.6 1/1000s
Re: Post your best bird shots!
I don't shoot a whole lot of birds, but whenever the oppertunity presents itself, it's always fun to try.
These are both fairly old (August and October respectively), but probably my best so far.
King Pidgeon (and his flock of bokeh).
Yeah, that tub of lard flew away. Eventually. And only a very short distance. ISO 100, 1/250 @ f9
Nothing to see here, just a pair of tits on a chair. ISO 200, 1/125 @ f5.6