Thank you Jayson. I really like your snow pictures too.
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I've spent some time trying to get a good shot of a snowy owl. So far I haven't been able to get very close. This is my favorite one so far. Taken at Salisbury State Park in Massachusetts.
Small-3409 by kayaker72, on Flickr
We had some freezing rain eariler this week. The next night I noticed the moonlight playing off a tree in my front yard so I grabbed these:
Small-3447 by kayaker72, on Flickr
Small-3467 by kayaker72, on Flickr
Thanks for viewing....Brant
Do you have a 1.4X Teleconverter? The shot you show is a great find. You were at f/8 anyway with ISO 100 at 400mm. The teleconverter would have gotten you to 560mm, and then you had plenty of room to push your ISO up to get the shutter speed you need. When I go looking for snow owl with my 100-400mm lens, the 1.4X is always on it, and I will push the ISO up to 1250 to get the shutter speed. Another thing that seems to help preserve detail is a flash, and it does not seem to bother them much.
Again... great find.
Hi Pat...missed your reply earlier. I haven't yet pulled the trigger on a 1.4x TC. That decision is rolled into the other lens purchases I have been mulling over. But you are right, could have bumped up the ISO. Even though the 5DIII takes great images at elevated ISO, I do try to keep as close to base ISO as possible and in the shot above, I was already at 1/1,250th.
I spent Saturday morning chasing snowys again. As I mentioned in the image of the week thread, I got lucky in that Mass Audubon was releasing a snowy captured at Logan Airport. But I did find a couple in the wild as well. A few pictures:
Small-3704 by kayaker72, on Flickr
Small-3846 by kayaker72, on Flickr
Small-3882 by kayaker72, on Flickr
Thanks for viewing....Brant
I can always tell spring is upon us by the annual Mardi Gras pet parade in St. Louis. Here's a couple from this year's festivities. I don't know why, but I was being a "traditionalist" today and only brought my 50mm. Made shooting kind of fun, but I usually take a longer lens so dogs (and their people) don't know I'm photographing them.
I attended a Blue and Gold ceremony this past weekend for Cub Scouts crossing over to the Boy Scouts. I wasn't aware there would be fire or I would have found a better seat. They burn the neckerchiefs to show that the spirit is strong and then proceed to present the boys with their Boy Scout apparel. It was a very interesting ceremony for my young Cub Scout.
More work on older stuff. This is a 5 shot pano, hand held and stitched in PS, then pseudo-HDR'd. The pic links out to a larger (5000px wide), but still reduced image. Looks much better that way. Stuffing into this small size makes it sort of fuzzy.
neighborhood sunrise
A couple of sunrises from last week.
Old Mackinac Point Light House -0370 by westmichigan, on Flickr
Hoping for Spring -0371 by westmichigan, on Flickr
Nice shots, Pat. Winter stays long up there, eh?