Great shot of a Great Egret & chicks ... lovely image with good detail in the whites. I wish for a little more room on top.
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Thanks Joel! I agree with you, I only had the 500mm with me, and in FL, 500mm sometimes is too long!:confused:
here are couple of more of that egret
thanks for viewing!
We had a rain storm this afternoon when I got home from work, this Red Bellied Woodpecker came to my setup shortly after it stopped.
ISO 1000
580EXII at 1/128 power + better beamer
One more from today, same EXIF data as the RBW above.
Attachment 1092
JJ, Great shots of the Egrets-----Must be nice when the 500 is "too much lens":rolleyes:
Joel, more cool shots as usual---is the latest a BlueJay? I really like that one.
Here is one of a Says Phoebe----I decided to play a little with PS--Can you Tell:confused:
One question---Does this look over sharpened?
thanks Joel and Bob for your compliment!
You could add some canvas in photoshop on that first one but it would take some time to make it look right because of all the branches.[/QUOTE]
Joel, I really don't have any idea what the canvas in PS is, maybe you can explain it a little?
and Bob, I would say your picture is a little over on my screen.
Bob it does look a tad, but did you make the background gray from a green one? The only reason I asked is you can see some bleeding from the green into the feathers of the bird in a couple spots. If your using CS5, refine the edge about 15 points then decomntaminate the layer (this takes away color bleed from green screens). I think you'd be good.
Using the crop tool you can extend the size of your image and then use "content aware" to fill in the added space
First time photographing birds with my 55mm macro! Not the most handsome devil I've ever seen. :P
Here is the 100% crop:
Can some of you birders explain to me why this guy let me get so close before he flew away?
This was at f/5.6 and ISO 2500 (probably more like ISO 5000 after white balancing). I think I should have bumped the ISO even higher and stopped down more. What do you think?