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No, I
That cat makes me cry a little inside.... scary.
And to continue, here is someone who looks equally disinterested that their photo is being taken.
I just got a third speedlight... a Vivitar 285HV as well as another CTR-301p trigger. I have been wanting a third light for a while, and this was the first shot from my new set up!
As you can see from the eyes, there is a 580exII 1/2 power camera right shot through a 24" white umbrella. Camera left there is a 285HV shot through a 12" umbrella 1/16 power. Behind subject is a 430ex 1/16 power bare bulb for rim lighting.
I know, I know... not the best setup, but I was excited to have a triforce of light. I do love the options this will create for me, and I am still loving that 85 1.8 I used to take this shot. One hundred percent crop of this is really unbelievable.
Originally Posted by Dave Johnston
Dave, The lighting looks good except for the reflection in the glasses. Just a few minor adjustments and it'll be great.
Where did you find a 12" umbrella. I have been looking with no luck.
Originally Posted by clemmb
I had been looking for a smaller one for a while, and happened upon it on Ebay. I tried looking for one just now and couldn't find one. Not sure if it was just a fluke that I got it or what? If I ever do come across another, I will be sure to hit you up!
Its Prom Day
5D II, 180mm, ISO 400, F8, .3
Another spring teaser today! Less than a week ago, this flower was covered in snow!
Awesome Denise! That
Thanks! I was hoping to get BIF but sometimes you just have to go with what your given!