Originally Posted by NFLD Stephen
I very well could be horribly mistaken, but I think the width limit is 600px. :)
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Originally Posted by NFLD Stephen
I very well could be horribly mistaken, but I think the width limit is 600px. :)
Ran across this guy out in the Arizona desert.
great shots everyone!
Here's the owl again, at 480 pixels wide.
Originally Posted by Rodger
It is 800 pixels. The only reason I know is that I received a message on this when I joined this forum (very recently). It says "For display in the forums, size your images to 800px (or less) in width. The limits for uploading files to the site are currently set to 1024k max per image and 5120k max overall". [;)]
Here is another one from me.
This was taken with my 600mm with a 2X and cropped about 25%! Thats a hell alot of millimters!
That's a helluva shot at that focal length. How did you get it so stable? Was the shutter speed super high?
All I was using was a 25$ tripod thats so unstable that I kept it unlocked and used 1/500th of a second and pulled it down one stop so noise won't take over the image. I got very good at handholding this lens! It was over cast so there wasn't that much light.
This little fellow came over to check me out the other day. 400D, 300L f/4 with 1.4x T/C. Tv 1/40 Av5.6 ISO200.