Hey Neuro…I am down just outside of Austin Texas in a house I rented under the path of totality.
Honestly, the forecast isn’t looking great. As you mentioned, I may have left the area with the best weather to come here. But, I have turned this into a mini family vacation so we decided to take the chance.
I decided to go with the RF 200-800 with Baader film filter. I also have multiple binos (supplying for the extended family) with various daystar or thousand oak filters.
Hoping for the best! Good luck everyone!
Have to get the raw files onto the computer and fiddle w/ the red channel - the IR is clearly very hot compared to visible light. The image in the viewfinder was substantively different than the screen/sensor. I don't know if the dial back on the red and push of the blue/green has any value. Will find out soon
Camera JPG at https://www.flickr.com/photos/77760916@N05/
Nice, Mike!
I decided to KISS, just brought the R3, 600/4 and 1.4x. Better to enjoy the event with family than juggling two cameras, filters, etc. I set the camera to a 7-shot bracket covering a 12-stop range, and triggering with the BR-E1 remote fires the whole bracket with one press, which meant I could enjoy the experience with just an occasional repositioning of the gimbal (and removing/replacing the solar filter for the totality. RAWs are still in the camera, will post pics once I get them processed.
The answer is that the IR blows out everything else. There is some enhancement not enough to post yet.