Thanks Arnt! I enjoyed yours as well, especially the 1st Egret image, the 2nd swallow and the Raven. Well done. I bet it's not easy to focus on a swallow in flight!
Printable View
Hairy Woodpecker, from the backyard this evening
manual mode, spot metering with +1 stop of exposure compensation
ISO 3200
Thanks Joel,
keeping the swallows in the viewfinder is already difficult enough :). I was lucky that they stayed somewhat high above the ground and were flying slowly (slow for a swallow that is) against the wind for extended periods. Once they go into a dive and hunt lower to the ground - no chance. The 5DIII did a fairly good job with the focus if the settings are right and as long as I kept the AF points on the bird. I did tweak case 6 a bit for that.
The images are heavily cropped to about 2MP. A longer lens ( I used the 70-300L) would help with the pixels on target, but I guess it would be even harder to keep the birds in the viewfinder.
I am gong through my memory cards and cleaning things up for spring.....this was a shot taken a few weeks ago....I wish I had not clipped the wings (I was too close for 500mm) but I like the reflection in the ice so I thought I would keep it. What would you do, keep or delete?
ISO 640
Keep - it's just too funny. I would even crop in on the bird. The bird slipping is kind of funny, and makes the picture more than the reflection does, in my opinion
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Also keep....