Re: Post your best bird shots!
I have not done a lot of bird photography, so this must be my best so far. A little sparrow from when I was on Mallorca a week ago.
Canon 1000D, EF-S 55-250mm
1/125sec, f11, ISO100
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Originally Posted by Mike Glatzer
The loon coming out of the water was taken with my 1D MK1 and a 70-200 f/2.8 IS.
That qualifies you as a true photographer, I quote "True photographers don't care about resolution!"....[;)] Where ever I heard that from, mabye Ken Rockwell...[:P]
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Just thought this thread needed a hummingbird to spice it up a little [;)]
Re: Post your best bird shots!
This youngster (Red tail hawk) keeps coming back to roost in a big pine behind my house allowing me to get some really close shots.
It looks much better in Flickr lightbox; http://www.flickr.com/photos/29409592@N03/5844248500/in/photostream/lightbox/
Thanks for looking
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Bill, awesome shots of the Juvi Red Tailed hawk, really nice opportunity.
This is a Raven I took while on my golf trip to Scotland using the 1D3 and the 28-135mm f/3.5 lens .... he was begging food from my caddie!
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Learning with my new toy...still deciding if I should keep.
I know they could use a little more PP, but I am happy so far. This is 300mm with Kenko 1.4x TC. Anyone know the bird ID?
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Bill W, that hummer is awesome. Great shot. Joel, that Raven is pretty great. Hopefully you fed him well or he might just carry you off. Looks big!
Mike those shots are killer. Great angle. Denise very nice GBH shot. Those guys are tricky to catch...at least in my neck of the woods.
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Bill - Wonderful hawk photo! I am very envious!!! I shot alot of hawk photos this weekend but too much cropping was needed and they were all tossed :(
Joel & Jayson - Very nice! Jayson, I'd say your new toy looks to be a definite keeper!
So far, this is all I have from the weekend ...
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Here are some form a two/three weeks ago.
Just for kicks, damm thats sharp!
Sorry for highjacking this thread again!I haven't posted in a while and need to make up[:P]
Re: Post your best bird shots!
it's great to steal some time to read/enjoy posts here, nice shots every one!
Mike, the third one looks very interesting, like it very much!
Bill, like the hawk shot, getting closer makes big difference!
Joel, like the head angle. nice shot with a travel lens!
Jayson,congratulations on your new 300mm lens, looks like you got a very good copy, bokeh and sharpness look very nice.
fast glass, yes, they are sharp and i can tell those are your shots by looking at the colors[:D]
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Thanks for complimenting my hawk folks....it's been a unique experience being able to have one so close to shoot. S/he's visits are becoming less frequent as it matures, but it does come back to the big pine to roost once in awhile.
I put an Oriole feeder (oranges and jelly) in my HB garden and discovered Catbirds like jelly....never knew this fact.
As is my issue w/posting a pic here the IQ and colors drops on my monitor. I use the insert tool to post my pix....any thoughts on how to improve my postings on this site or is it just my viewing?
Thanks for looking
Re: Post your best bird shots!
I like the shot Bill. It's different than others. It almost looks like you made this very early or very late during the day. (although I'm not sure this is intended)
Originally Posted by Bill W
As is my issue w/posting a pic here the IQ and colors drops on my monitor. I use the insert tool to post my pix....any thoughts on how to improve my postings on this site or is it just my viewing?
Check this thread Bill. It might help you out.
Re: Post your best bird shots!
<span style="font-size: x-small;"]Double post...
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Wow, that cat bird shot is stunning!
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Bill, Great shot of the RTH---Simply Stunning, I love the portrait shots of these magnificent birds and you nailed this one. [Y][Y]
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Bill, Great shot of the RTH---Simply Stunning, I love the portrait shots of these magnificent birds and you nailed this one. [Y][Y]
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Originally Posted by Bill W
Just thought this thread needed a hummingbird to spice it up a little [img]/emoticons/emotion-5.gif[/img]
Bill, hope you don't mind if I jump in on this bandwagon.
On these shots I put away the 500 and pulled out the 100 F2.8 L IS--I'm thinking I like it, and the birds don't seem to mind it only two-three feet away.
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Bob, I don't think you could ever take a bad hb photo but these are truly superb!!! [Y] [Y] [Y]
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Originally Posted by ddt0725
Bob, I don't think you could ever take a bad hb photo but these are truly superb!!! [img]/emoticons/emotion-21.gif[/img] [img]/emoticons/emotion-21.gif[/img] [img]/emoticons/emotion-21.gif[/img]
Oh Denise, I really appreciate your vote of confidence, but if you only new the truth[:S]........What I post on here is usually 1 or 2 shots out of a hundred, maybe several hundred. But I do like em when someone else likes em.
Thanks again,
P.S. you are really getting good at your songbird photos---Joel, Standby, you have competition.
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Ha! Ha! Thanks Bob but I don't think Joel has anything to fear from me!
Actually, I am on a few day streak of not being able to get anything right! I go thru spurts of good and bad days ...here's a bad one (today)!
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Originally Posted by Bob Williams
P.S. you are really getting good at your songbird photos---Joel, Standby, you have competition.
Hey, I agree .... Denise is posting some excellent shots .... I'll have to "step up my game" I guess[:D]
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Osprey, Santee Cooper Lake, South Carolina
300 2.8 + 1.4 TC
iso 800
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Joel, that photo represents the goal I hope to reach someday! I would be absolutely thrilled to take a photo that looks that good!
In the meantime ...
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Very reluctant to post anything that would bring the standard down of this thread.
Denise, Joel and Bob your shots are stunning.
I've no shortage of lorikeets at my place.
300mm f7.1 ISO1000 1/500
Thanks for viewing.
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Very colorful bird Steve and very interesting (lines of plant) capture....like to have a few here. But correct me if I'm wrong....aren't they a nuisance bird, similar to our Grackles and Starlings?
Denise, if you want to step up to Bob's and Joel's level, you need to add uniqueness to your pix; e.g. your GBH, technically it looks sound, but (sorry) it's boring. I know GBHs stand around quite sometime w/out moving, but you want them doing something, e.g. spreading wings, flying, trying to capture food, drooping their wings to cool, interaction, etc. IMHO you're getting closer.....now add patience to capture uniqueness D.
Forgive me if I've stepped over the line......
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Jan....thanks for the link to this thread. I saw it, but haven't checked it out....I will now. Also, glad you like the pic of the catbird. It was taken at 930 in the morning. The darkness of the shot is because my backyard is surrounded by thick woods (conservation land) and at about this time the shadows start imposing on some of my perches.
William...thanks for the wow.
Bob...thank you for your comment also. I've been really lucky this spring, e.g. owls and now a family (4) of Red tail hawks that have taken up residence in the trees (close) behind my house.
As I'm typing the youngsters (fledged) are screeching to the adults, but I digress.
With the family so close and visible it has given me another chance to follow the maturation of a raptor (in a far more comfortable setting than my owl shots).
Here's a photo I captured this morning at sunrise (while sipping my coffee);
f4, ISO 500, shutter 1/50th on a tripod w/cable release, 500mm, 7D combo.
Thanks for looking
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Originally Posted by Bill W
Denise, if you want to step up to Bob's and Joel's level, you need to add uniqueness to your pix; e.g. your GBH, technically it looks sound, but (sorry) it's boring. I know GBHs stand around quite sometime w/out moving, but you want them doing something, e.g. spreading wings, flying, trying to capture food, drooping their wings to cool, interaction, etc. IMHO you're getting closer.....now add patience to capture uniqueness D.
Forgive me if I've stepped over the line......
No problem and I absolutely agree. I have caught many photos of wings spread and bif but yesterday, I could not get this one to move no matter how close I got. This GBH has been very skittish of me since it's arrival a few weeks ago ...gone in a blink if I so much as moved on the other side of the pond. So yesterday, I was basically slowly building trust and testing how close I could get ...without falling in the very steep pond. When he started to let me get too close even for my own comfort, I figured there was a reason he wasn't budging and I backed off. So, for the ones above, I just went for the basic portrait.
This is from the other day. Not very sharp but alittle less boring ...
Re: Post your best bird shots!
"Mockingbird's Glare"
EOS 7D, EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6<span style="color: #ff0000;"]L IS USM @ 400mm, 1/640 s, f/5.6, ISO 200
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Thank you D.....unsolicited advice is some times hard for the recipient to digest.
Your GBH in flight isn
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Really AWESOME shot Bill......
If you have space I would add a little to the top and crop a little off the bottom, also maybe get rid of the light spot just to the right of the bird
Re: Post your best bird shots!
John, Very nice shot of the mockingbird. Did you achieve that wonderful bokeh via camera settings and distance or did you give it a little assistance in post?
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Bill, another great shot of the RTH, love the lighting on this guy.
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Originally Posted by Joel Eade
Osprey, Santee Cooper Lake, South Carolina
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Originally Posted by Bob Williams
John, Very nice shot of the mockingbird. Did you achieve that wonderful bokeh via camera settings and distance or did you give it a little assistance in post?
Thanks, Bob! No PP, just good old-fashioned optics - long lens, close focal length, distant background. I agree - sometimes the 100-400mm can have a bit of a 'rough' bokeh, but not in this shot.
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Roseate Spoonbill in flight. From my Florida trip Sept 2010 with a rental 500mm f/4 iso 400 f/7.1 1/1250
Re: Post your best bird shots!
Her is one from the other day when I was experimenting with some new backgrounds. The back grounds (from the Walmart fabric department) are now garage rags, but I thought this was worth sharing since I finally got a flower in the pic.
7D, 500mm, iso 250, f13, 1/100, 3 flashes set at 1/16
Re: Post your best bird shots!