Denise, Thats a great "backyard bird pic" Joel, eat your heart out:D
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Thanks! It was pretty exciting! There of course wasn't a little bird to be seen or heard at the time but they came back about 15 mins. after he left. I wish I would have caught him swooping down! I couldn't get good angle out my barely opened window when he flew away. I'm sure glad I didn't see him eating a bird in my yard though! Before he flew off he dove into my bushes but I think he mistook a leaf blowing in the wind for a mouse. If it was a mouse I hope he took off with it!
Sure glad my little Sammy wasn't outside at the time!
I just wanted to post one more of the hawk. This one I tried Joel's technique with using gaussian blur. I guess it doesn't work to well on grass but I think the bird turned out ok.
IMG_6075 by Denise Trocio, on Flickr
I am a close encounter with a Cooper's, fantastic shots.
I think the blur on the BG will work but in this case you may need to do a couple other things.......
1. The bird needs to be a little brighter overall compared to the BG
2. Using more noise reduction and reducing contrasr just on the BG will help too.
Really unusual opportunity ... he must be hunting your song birds, I see these swoop through the tress behind my house and they perch at a distance but never have been this close...kudos for being ready.:cool:
And yet another Bosque image....sorry....decided to take Nik Silver Efex for a spin!
It seems to make really nice B&W conversions.
Wow..really nice flight shot. Love the B&W. I really suck at taking BIF shots..just never happened to me before.
Here're two shot I took when I was at a lake..and the second shot kinda goes along with Valentine's day? lol.Attachment 496Attachment 497
Thanks Bob, I generally like color better as well ... here's a backyard visitor this morning, we have about 1/2" of snow and it's 25 degrees.
Browsed though this thread a few times now, I am in awe of how many fantastic bird shots there are.
It inspired me to try some. Rented a Canon EF 100-400mm lens for the weekend to play with. Took the dog to the park and played.
I now have even more respect for bird photos - there was only a couple chickadees and 1 woodpecker, but of the 50 or so shots I took only one is.. half decent.
Not same league as people here, but my best so far.
Edit: Shot with canon T2i, Lens 100-400mm, f/5.6, 1/2000 sec, ISO 800, hand held
I did the Barred Owl post a little larger than usual so you could see the quality of the 300 f2.8L IS II + 2x teleconverter (version II). Pretty good combo. Autofocus sucked (the geese in flight were with my 400 f5.6). And no, I didn't buy this. It was a rental. $55 for the entire weekend. Here's the picture info: 5D Mark II (not mine either; a friends), Iso 100, f5.6, 1/500s, handheld.
P.s. the only reason my friend and I found such a great Barred Owl, sitting right next to the road at eye level, and not scared of cars was b/c the Heavens opened up and said, "you guys are idiots. It's 15 degrees out here. You aren't even wearing gloves. Here's an owl for your effort." This was our second eagle trip of the year and we have still not come up with a keeper eagle in 2012.
dsiegel, nice Owl image... I agree the image looks very sharp considering it was with a 2X converter. I have version I of that lens and 2XTC version 2 and it usually isn't that sharp on my 1D MKIII.
Denise ...nice Cooper's Hawk portrait...the same one that's been hunting in your yard?
Your Chickadee image is very nice: a good pose with good exposure and sharpness. Probably 1 good keeper out of 50 isn't too bad a ratio especially just starting out and using a lens you're not practiced with. If you are really wanting to get into it consider the 400 f/5.6L lens....super sharp, fast AF, light and easy to handle.
I took a Northern Cardinal picture today that I think came out really well.
I took it with a 60D, 135L lens, f/5.6, 1/800 second, and ISO 200. Post process was to crop and resize / sharpen for web posting.
Attachment 520
Nice Cardinal...there's that 135mm lens again:rolleyes:....if you de-saturate the reds a little it will bring out some detail. Nice shot.
Good tip, Joel. I like this one better with less saturation. I shot JPG instead of RAW so I had to edit the shot I posted earlier.
Attachment 522
Couple recent Red Tail pictures. Kind of missed focus on one, but web sized you can't tell. Taken with 300 f4 IS and Kenko 1/4x TC.
American Kestrel, I believe. First sighting for me.
Jayson, those are great images. I esspecially like the kestrel. The white backgrounds are great.
Thanks Nick and Joel for the compliments!
Had a visit from a Red Tailed Hawk early this morning, unfortunately it was heavily overcast and drizzling rain. Nevertheless, I had to try, so I cranked up the ISO to 6400 and sneaked around the house for a couple of hand held shots. Not the best and of course it's noisy but at such a high ISO I was surprised.
AV Mode
500mm + 1.4 TC
Hand held
ISO 6400
I thought you mentioned in an earlier thread you had the 1D IV temporarily. Did you end up keeping it?
Apparently it handles the wet weather as well as the hawk.
Some Snow Geese a little north of St. Louis:
Joel, actually, this was the first time I have seen Snow Geese that weren't 30,000 feet flying over head. I was a little excited and left my tripod in the car.
60D 300mm f4L IS f/4 1/800 ISO 100
I understand....when you get a shot at something new it's difficult to remember all the things that you might want to try but with big flocks of birds you can get some interesting shots with shutter speeds around 1/8 to 1/15 sec (handheld).
Here is one I took of some snow geese at the Bosque....
Hi Everybody,
I have been lurking for a while, this is my first post. Great forum, I already learned a lot.
I don't shoot birds a lot, but I was lucky this morning when this guy landed on our neighbor's house:
600D/T3i, EF-S 55-250 @250 f/5.6
Does anyone know what kind of bird this is?
Looks like a Cooper's Hawk.
Yep, I agree with Dseigel. Cooper's Hawk
Thanks Dsiegel and Bob,
the picture is certainly not exceptional, but I was happy to see that guy around scaring the pigeons away. I also like to see wild life (other than pigeons) being able to adjust to suburban areas.