Re: Post your best current shots
Hopefully I will have some best current shots with my new 50mm soon! UPS dropped it off about 30 min ago. I can't wait to use it this weekend and see what I have been missing in terms of focus speed and quality with the 1.8! [:D]
Shot with my new 5D Mark II and 85mm f/1.8
Re: Post your best current shots
Congrats on the new glass!! You are going to love it! I am hoping to get another copy soon!
Something happened to Mr. Cardinal overnight :( He is the only male cardinal that comes to my yard & Mrs. Cardinal is nowhere to be found! I think maybe he tried to protect her from something but wasn't successful :( I remember the day in early spring when he courted her ...they were by each others side ever since!
Re: Post your best current shots
Denise, sorry about your cardinals :( I had a big hawk eating a bird in my yard a day ago. I haven't seen many other birds around since then.
Baker, the 50 f1.4 is easily one of my favorite lenses. I think you will really like it.
This squirrel is probably saying, "oh man, where's all my sugar water?" To which I would respond, "well, maybe if you wouldn't have broken another humming bird feeder (second this year) I wouldn't have taken them down for the year!!"
Re: Post your best current shots
Heehee!! Cute story!
What did you use to shoot this!? Super sharp!
Re: Post your best current shots
Re: Post your best current shots
Denise, 70-200 f2.8L IS II (@f2.8).
Re: Post your best current shots
Originally Posted by dsiegel5151
Denise, 70-200 f2.8L IS II (@f2.8).
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Thanks! Is it paired with a 5d II?
Re: Post your best current shots
Denise, I wish. 40D still.
Re: Post your best current shots
Here's one I took last night. I was at church shortly before a service began, and looked out the window and noticed two things: 1. the sun had dropped below the overcast cloud ceiling and 2. it was raining. I grabbed my camera, and went outside in case there was a rainbow. There was:
7D EF-S 10-22@22 f5.0 ISO 800 1/60
Re: Post your best current shots
Jfrits---Wonderful shot. Love the warm light on the steeple. You might try to bump the exposure just a little on the foreground and side trees if your able to. If not, great shot anyway.