Thanks Joel. They let me get pretty close.
And Pat - wow!!! Did you seek out those eagles specifically?
Printable View
great shots of the ABEs
They seem to like eating Ducks and Coots which were really abundant at this location... so luckly we found one sitting in a tree overlooking the pond. I went to get some duck shots, but always keep an eye out for eagles just in case.
A few more from yesterday:
Need help identifying this one... anyone have any idea what this is?:confused: It was the size of a coot or small duck, but had more of a beak instead of a bill.
2513 by westmichigan, on Flickr
Lesser Scaup-2498 by westmichigan, on Flickr
I should have cleaned up the tree fuzz floating in the water on this one.
American Coot-2491 by westmichigan, on Flickr
I believe it's a Horned Grebe
I do not know my birds but found it through use of this site ->
warming slightly in my area- so seeing more birds- now we have Geese AND Gulls
more waxwings at the park as well... they like to stay in the treetops and I can't get close enough for decent shot (cropped)
Beautiful shots, Pat! I don't believe I have ever seen a horned grebe ...interesting looking bird!
You can always tell when one thing or another is keeping me from getting out and shooting post-processing goes over-board!
I'm Gonna Fly by Denise Trocio (, on Flickr
That would make a great tattoo Denise.
Nice shot, very artistic.
put the starst and stripes in the right corner and you can sell it as a large print (not joking).
Something like this ....?
Eagle_Flag by Denise Trocio (, on Flickr
Wow, this one sure isn't as dark and saturated as the first! I'll have to work on it more I guess.
Denise, even better than I had imagined.
Now I don't have any experience in what is the best way to turn that into business, through prints on your website or by approaching a company that sells prints and maybe even bumper stickers and things like that. But I think it would sell.
Great job
I recently sold my version II 2X teleconverter and purchased version III after reading numerous reviews about how much better it was in terms of sharpness and IQ.
This Goldfinch was in a shaded spot in an oak tree in my front yard probably 50 feet away, to me, the image looks pretty darn good considering it was relatively poor light and slow SS, what say you all?
500mm f/4l + 2X TC III
ISO 1000
manual mode, evaluative metering
580 EXII + Better Beamer ETTL -2 1/3
Only the center AF works at f/8
Another test image at 1000mm, this time in much better light the sharpness is really nice. No doubt in my mind the Version III 2X TC is much better!
Well Joel, I can't compare to any of your previous shots because I don't ever recall you using the 2xII. But...Compared to shots with my 2xII, this is very impressive. Infact, I only used my 2xII a couple of times and since then it has only been used for a paper wait. So....Congrats---This looks like a good buy.--Love the shot of the Finch and the Bluebird as well. The bluebird is my favorite. As always NIce work.
Very nice, Joel! I have been considering selling my 100-400mm & 70-200mm f4 IS and getting the 70-200mm f2.8 II IS and the 2x III extender. Do you think it would work well for birding?
@Joel; I tried the 1.4 III versions a while back, and really didn’t see much difference in IQ. In sharpness the III version made the 500mm less sharp in the center and a just a shade sharper on the edges. Overall I didn’t think it was a worthy upgrade, in fact no upgrade at all, and I sent it back. I wasn’t completely convinced I had a good copy.
It looks like you have a good copy of the 2x III. You are right, Arthur Morris swears by the 70-200mm F/2.8 with 2x III extender combination; however he does put the sales pitch out for Canon. I might give it a try for the 70-200mm and if it works well with the 500mm it would just be a bonus.
You are right, Artie is a consumate salesman but there are many others who feel the Version III 2X is a big upgrade whereas the Version III 1.4X is not that much better than the Version II.
I have the original 70-200mm f/2.8L and the 300mm f/2.8L ...I have not yet tried the new teleconverter on them.
Nesting Killdeer
ISO 800
When you put the 2x on the EF 300 you are going to like it. Focus is still really fast and while there is some softness wide open it gets better when stopped down.
But doesn't that make sense? Reports are that a 1.4x produces acceptable IQ (it may be a little worse, but it is acceptable). Additionally, reports say that the IQ degradation of the 2x II is unacceptable. Therefore, you are not going to get much of an improvemnet on the 1.4X III since there was not that big of a hit on the IQ with the 1.4X II to begin with... so there was not as much room for improvement. But the oppisite is true of the 2X III, where the 2X II left a lot of room for improvement so it would be easier to see a difference if they brought the 2X III up to acceptable IQ.
I think there is always room for improvement, but with the supertele’s the 1.4x II does extremely well. I tend to overdue things, when I got the 1.4x III I set it up on the tripod and bench and tested it to death.
One of the things I didn't mention the 1.4X III is that my AF was off using it. Where my AF is dead on with the 1.4x II I would have needed to do an adjustment with the 1.4x III. Since I couldn't get improved IQ results with manual focus on the bench, I didn't see the point in keeping it. I will get the III once the supertele II's come out.
Took this about 15 minutes ago.....
300mm f/2.8L Version I + 2X TC Version III
Gitzo 3541 tripod
Wimberly II Gimbal head
ISO 1000
Joel, not to bad for a quick test. It looks good.
IMG_8331 by Denise Trocio (, on Flickr
Extremely heavy crop because I had to edit out the bird feeder but hopefully it doesn't look too bad.
Denise, Nice portrait. Love the detail and the exposure is spot on. Tack sharp as well. The only suggestions I can offer is maybe edit out or darken the little food spot on the bottom of his beak.
Great shot.
Thanks Bob and you are right, I should have caught that!
WOW, I just noticed---With Ahabs comment, This thread just crossed the 3000 replies mark with more than 340,000 views. Clearly the most popular thread on the forum-------BIRDERS RULE:D
I was able to take a picture of a cardinal on perch last weekend. Taken with 60D, 135L, and 1.4X TC II.
2012_04_22_4397_upd_pse10 by dthrog00, on Flickr
Great Blue Heron returning to the nest, Lake Fork Texas
500mm + 1.4TCII Hand held from a boat
Full frame image, no crop
ISO 800
Joel, Nice Capture---Thats some really strange light, But I like it