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Those three are worth the whole trip Denise, well done.
@Baker, love the look, the smirk and connection you have with your model, nice shot.
Some days I scroll down these pages and want to comment on picture after picture because they are all excellent. I am really impressed by every photo on this page and I love that they are all so different.
Very Nice DD. I especially like the sunset framed by the tree and the single boat on the water. Nice Job
Denise, like the first one very much!
got this dragonfly shot while shooting birds
7D, 700mm5.6, f5.6,1/8000, ISO2500
Thanks guys!
@JJ - This has to be the coolest looking dragonfly I have ever seen! Very nice capture!
Thanks Bob for the feedback.
I actually ended up lowering the exposure in post to bring out the rainbow, (in DPP) and then boosted the shadows, and contrast to help lighten up the grass.
Maybe this scene needs require some HDR processing, or set the exposure for the sky, and everything else separately and assemble as two layers.
I rented the 400 mm f2.8 L IS for the weekend. There was the annual Dutch airforce airshow which I wanted to go to. My girlfriend shot this photo:
Airshow with big L by Jan Paalman, on Flickr
This lens is absolutely amazing, very very sharp. Luckily I was shooting with my brother, because handheld shooting with this beast was quite heavy to the muscles ;) Hopefully I can upload some photos soon :)
I totally get the longing for such lenses now. I used to think they were only justifiable when being a professional, but honestly this lens produces photos that a 100-400 would never get. I had a hard time returning the lens this morning.
PS: I just figured out the recent activity tab on Flickr and I see that I have some comments that I hadn't seen. Thansk for those and sorry for the late reply!
Which lens is bigger Jan....Yours or the guy next door? Nice photo
Luckily my nose has been whacked a few times, it wouldn