Gasp!!! Great captures Denise.
Very beautiful shot Arnt, great tones
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Gasp!!! Great captures Denise.
Very beautiful shot Arnt, great tones
I would think so Denise, that's nature. And I agree with Steve, great captures, and funny titles.
I was so taken by Arnt's pic I forgot to ask the bird people. Last night a flock of swallow tail kites were circling over the pond near my house - had to about 80 or so. They were way to far away to get a decent pic, but I didn't think swallow tails "flocked"
Any one know if they do/don't was this a rare occurrence or just I something my sheltered life kept me from seeing before?
The British weather has kept me indoors most of this year, but yesterday offered some rare sunshine for a trip to a coastal nature reserve. I found this black-headed gull playing in the surf.
Black-Headed Gull by Andrew Stringer, on Flickr
Snowy Egret wading at Ft. DeSoto Florida
ISO 200
Thanks Pat ... no matter the lens, I like to look for something different ... I did get some good head shots as well:)
Love the Great Egret shots Joel. Wow, Looking through the forum, I have missed a lot over the passed few weeks, Nice work everybody. Things have been a little hectic here with the new grandbaby, in-laws, ex-laws and everthying else that goes with new babies. But, i did manage to set up and get some shots in yesterday and this morning. Speaking of unique perspectives, I took some advice from our own TDP Birdmaster (JE) and tried some different light setups and angles and here are some of the results:
7d, 500, F8, 1/250th, ISO 100. 4 flashes (two on background-two on bird)
Where did that nectar go?
And some more here if you are interested.
Finally...I have been missing your HB shots .... really nice ones this time, I love the orange flowers. I think the last one is my favorite.
Love your shots, Bob!!!
It's been quite awhile since I posted in this thread so I thought I would post a couple I took recently ...
Standing Tall and Proud by Denise Trocio (, on Flickr
Definitely not in the league of your hb shots, Bob but I am just happy to get one!
IMG_2036_WM by Denise Trocio (, on Flickr
My hummingbirds are being scared away by the bees lately :(
Very nice the creative borders and textures....where is that tutorial? :)
Here is a pair of Black Skimmers I got after the storm on Saturday.
I thought I would not keep any more of my mediocre gull shots, but I liked the eyes on these two:
101 _MG_1950 - Version 2
101 _MG_1939 by ahab1372, on Flickr
I went looking for birds a little this afternoon and found some gulls that were very tolerant....I took several close ups with the 1D MKIV + 300mm f/2.8L
I made this composite from 2 images
Looks very good Joel.
Another Laughing Gull ... used some filters on this one in CS5, including Topaz Clean and Flaming Pear Flood
I like this one Joel, Very nice.
Wonderful shots Joel and Bob!
I don't know where the male hb went that I was seeing in early spring but now I have a female that frequents my feeders about every 1/2 hour from sunrise to sunset!
Ruby-throated hummingbird by Denise Trocio (, on Flickr
DD, Love the texture work with this and am thinking I may need to try some of this just to add variety to my shots----Still hoping for a tutorial. I did have some luck this AM, Saw my first Calliope---whoopee, I now have at least 4 and maybe 5 different varieties of birds hitting my feeders: Calliope, Rufous, Blackchin, Broad tailed and maybe Annas-----Would still love to see a RTH, but no luck yet.
Here is my Calliope I got this AM.
Beautiful shot, Bob! There was an article in my newspaper a few days ago that different varieties will be moving through here soon heading south so I put out a few more feeders. Right now I am only getting a female ruby-throated. I have to use textures for most of mine since my feeders are hanging from my garage. I took down my other bird feeders (too many other critters for my liking) and will move my hb feeders there in the spring. I don't want to disrupt things now!
I thought I posted a tutorial on using textures somewhere around here. I will put another together soon but it is still so much trial and error for me ...most of the time error.
Thanks Denise for the compliments and info. If the "other critters" you spoke about happen to be Bees, I found a feeder that does a great job of keeping them away---the birds can reach the nectar but the bees can't. It also has an ant trap in the middle that you fill with water and a drop or two of dishwashing liquid. here is a picture of the type and I think I bought mine at Lowes.
I also added some more H-bird shots this AM.
Thanks Bob! I am having a major bee problem which is worrying me because of the dogs cocker likes to try and catch them! The critters that I was referring to though that are attracted to my bird seed are mice ...lots of mice! So, the bird seed and bird feeders (other than the hb ones) have been taken down. I took some hb shots again this morning & still have to go through them. Still no male though :(
All right DD, Nice frame work and Bird--I love the artistic touch
Thanks, Bob! The frame is from the OnOne Photo Frame plug-in.
Brown Pelican, Tampa Florida
ISO 400
Joel, love the pelican. Everyday you post a new photo I wish I made more money so I could by the 500mm. I realize it is you taking the photo but I have severe GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrom).
Bob and Denise, I am very jealous of your HB shots. I have been attempting to attract them all summer, but still no luck. I can hardly get a Cardinal this summer. Great photos as usual Bob! I have been following your blog and some great shots on there also. Denise, your artistic touch to the last one is great!
Thanks Jayson! I think we all suffer from that ailment. I originally went with the 300 f/2.8 and was trying to hold out when the new supertele's were announced because I wanted the new 600mm (still do actually) until I saw the cost:( Then I figured the old 500's would get scarce so I found a demo 500mm at Adorama and used the Bill Me Later system. Just recently got it paid off.
The syndrome is epidemic amongst those passionate about photography. Sadly, I don't think there's a total cure for G.A.S. although it can be somewhat controlled by extreme self restraint anf tongue biting:D Actually surfing all the forums makes it more acute for me....would love to still somehow trade up to the new 600mm and also add the 1DX but alas, I have no money tree in my backyard.
Ok got some new stuff here. Yesterday a friend at work told me where I could find a hawks nest and he even had pictures of a baby in the nest taken just last week. With that info alone, I took the afternoon off of work and decided to go scout the area. Luckily I found the very tree he mentioned and WOW, there was a baby hawk sitting up on a branch near the nest---although he had the dark wing feathers, he still had the downy white head. I observed for a few minutes and decided come back in the evening when the light was better---with my camera this time. When I returned yesterday evening, Only the mom (I think) was visible and sitting up on the branch. She was extremely tolerant of my presence and allowed me to set-up and shoot pictures for more than 30 minutes @ no more than 30 feet (10 Meters) away. When I returned home, I spent a great deal of time trying to identify the bird(s) and finally came to the conclusion it was a Swainson's Hawk.
This morning I returned just before sunrise, But no birds in the tree or nest. So I used the time to set-up. I had been on-sight for about 30 minutes and was walking around when I almost stepped on the Mother Bird. She had been hiding in the scrub grass not more than 10 feet in front of me. And again, she allowed me to take pictures for more than 30 Minutes. It wasn't long after that when the big male showed up. But he wasn't near as trusting as mom was.
Lesson Learned, don't forget to look down when searching for birds.
Here are some of the shots:
Momma Bird (I think) from yesterday.
Bird in the bush--on the ground from this AM
Another ground shot of Momma.
Here is one of Dad keeping an eye on things from a distance
This is a Swainson's Hawk and is the first time I have seen one of these---I plan to go back out to the nest many more times, so standby for lots of Hawk-Shots.
Wow... you know you are close and are getting great detail when you can see the dandruff on the bird (although I am sure it was debris from the grass, but it looks like dandruff). It pays to do your homework and be persistent. Great job!!!
Yep, that momma needs some Selsun Blue. Great closeup Bob!
Seeing lots of HB's now so I did a brief set up this evening but still too lazy to put up a background :rolleyes:
1D MKIII (it still makes nice images)
300mm f/2.8L + 25mm extension tube
ISO 640
3 430 EXII speed lights set to 1/16 power triggered with pocket wizards
love these pictures Bob, 3rd one is my favorite!
was the first pic shot with flash?
No it was heavy overcast...I did get a little ghosting because I was using 1/16 instead of 1/32. The reason for that is an experimental set up. I used my 2 Wimberly macro flash arms attached to the Wimberly gimbal to hold 2 430 EXII's and the 3rd flash was on the hotshoe of the camera. This makes everything attached to one tripod so no light stands to mess with. I quickly found out though that the flashes end up a little too far from the birds and thus not enough light at 1/32 power. It was an attempt to simplify the set up but the other way is probably better with each flash on it's own stand.