I have to say, your corrected version with the TS-E 24mm sure looks better than the pic that wikipedia has on the website link you provided.
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I have to say, your corrected version with the TS-E 24mm sure looks better than the pic that wikipedia has on the website link you provided.
Denise, are you sure you don
Thanks, Jayson! I
If I only had a wider lens or a ff camera:(
John - That shot is absolutely beautiful! I took some shots today of old buildings around town and the entire time I was thinking about this shot of yours and how I wish I still had my T/S!
We went for a drive along the Highwood Pass in Alberta, which is the highest paved road in Canada (2200 m elevation). Plenty of snow to be found along the way! This is Elbow Lake, accessed via a short steep hike from the parking lot.
Canon 5D2, 24-70 f/2.8 lens, 4 shot HDR at f/16, Singh-Ray Gold & Blue Polarizer
That is sweet, very pretty Jon.
Haven't spent a lot of time with the camera lately. Spring has sprung here in Brsibane and my other hobby, bonsai, needs a fair bit of attention in spring. So I have been repotting trees and trimming and fertilizing. Very hectic. I have about 4 benches of bonsais with about 20 on each bench, ranging from 4 inches high to 36 inches. Plus a heap still in plastic pots. There are figs, maples, junipers, Chinese elms, bougainvilleas and pines and I try and keep azaleas alive. Here are a couple of shots, excuse how bright it is, early morning and a lazy photographer.
And just playing around with 1.4 on the Zeiss, to try and create a bit of 3D.
This is an old bougainvillea that I dug up from a carpark, to try and save it and turn it into a bonsai. So far it lives and flowers, we'll just have to see what happens. This tree is about 2.5 feet tall and 3 inches thick at the base. It had been just surviving for quite a few years in the carpark and when I dug it up there weren't many roots at all, so now I have to just wait and try not to shock it with too much kindness.
Thanks for viewing,
Wow, you're a bonsai and a camera nut like me too?
My collection got whittled down a bit after 3 years of being in europe, my parents took care of what they could for me but still lost a lot, managed to repot a lot of them in august, even then it was too late for some deciduous one that had already burst buds, and a lot were just too pot-bound to do much with. Still, with half what i had a few years ago i've got 2-3 pallets' worth.
And my favourite one was a juniper i picked up from the Woolworths carpark (i grabbed it with the car door open, my gf floored it, just ripped it out and drove off), it'd been run over a few too many times, had a nice gnarled bark with driftwood all over it. Sucks that i killed it before i even left for europe, but i just gotta move on and find a new plant for the pot...
edit: now i managed to find an old P&S photo of it when i first got him, makes me feel even worse that it didn't survive.
Poor Wooly. I never even pruned him, this is how he was growing in the carpark.
Hope you have better luck with the bougainvillea, it looks amazing so far, love the flowers too...