Man, I do not know, I am not smart enough to use smart objects:confused:
Printable View
Don't you just save that image with a different name once you bring it up? Been so long. If no one has answered by the time I get back home,I'll open a file and pay attention to what key I hit. It's usually best I stay out of their way. My hands know more than my brain does on most days:)
This is one route.
Tufted Titmouse
ISO 1000
Joel, Beautiful titmouse shot, But that dark bar on the right is a tad distracting. I am trying to figure out how to fix in PS, But I haven't a clue. Any strategies you would like t share?
Thanks Bob, that is an out-of-focus tree trunk. It can be fixed a variety of ways. One relatively simple way would be to use the clone stamp tool to sample a lighter area of the BG then reduce the opacity (maybe around 10%) and gently "paint" over the dark area so as to blend it in with lighter area. You could also try using the "dodge" tool with a low opacity to gently lighten that area.
I hope you don't mind, Joel but I thought I would give it a try. I deleted the file from my computer when I was done. Granted, it would work better if done on the original RAW file and taking more than a minute to perfect but I thought I would still give it a shot. I also had to decrease the size significantly.
Attachment 1477
Now that I uploaded it, I can see I didn't do so well but basically the easiest way would be to use the quick selection tool (inversed) before attempting to clone out the dark area so you don't accidently lose the thin dark border that you want to keep. Decreasing the opacity of the clone tool and using maybe screen mode would work well. Where I messed up was that I used the blur tool to slightly blend the shades better so they appear more evenly like the left side of the bird. Using the Gaussian Blur works much better at around 2.5 or less pixels.
Yep, that works too. Looks pretty good for a quick fix:)
Tried another one of those artsy type processing methods with one of my favorite shots from earlier this summer---I have been bored with many of my h-bird images this summer and have been looking get beyond the technical aspects and to add a little "artistry" to my work---Denise, this is your fault::rolleyes:. I kind of like the look of these images and in fact, I am thinking about actually printing the image below. I am curious what some of you think---is this a road worth going down? So I have a question for you all: If you had to hang one of the two follow photos on your living room wall,----which one would it be? Just curious.
The before shot:
The after shot:
Thanks for playing this little game with me,
I think if you could restore some of the original color to the bird I would like the 2nd one. The paint effect is really cool on the flowers but I like the plumage on the original better.....maybe you do the effect on a layer and then use a mask to bring back some of the original feather color and detail. Actually either one will make a very nice print....print 'em both:cool:
Thanks Joel, I'll take it back in to the lab and see what I can do
Attachment 1486
Nuthatch w sunflower seed
5DMKIII, 600mm f4 II, 1.4X III, 1/320, 5.6, ISO 2000
Better beamer flash fill from 600EX-RT (-1 & 2/3 stops)
Vern, Very nice shot, Love the comp, exposure and focus is spot on, and the background is nice creamy with good seperation from the bird---
Again, nice shot, keep em coming.
Mallard pair, local city lake
ISO 1600
This is a composite image (stack) of a Male and Female Hairy Woodpecker. I had them both visiting my setup this morning and while browsing through the images I noticed that the way they had perched would make a neat composite so I used the same techniques as you would to stack images for a macro shot and it turned out pretty cool I think.
ISO 2000
Joel, that is a nice one and great photoshop work.
Thanks guys!
Here is one from today...a Red Bellied Woodpecker
ISO 1000
Another Great Looking woodpecker Joel. Here is one from the BDP this morning; But first, I have to tell you (Joel) that earlier this week a mountain lion killed a deer at the opening of the boardwalk that you took that great landscape/waterscape shot from. Earlier this month, One took down a full grown elk cow about 200 yards away from that boardwalk. Just thought you would like to know;).
Sandhill Crane
7d,500,iso 800, f5.6 , 1/2500th, early morning
OK, one more:
Very very nice the flight shot with the mountains in the BG:) Are the crane pools on the road in already flooded?
Wow.....a mountain lion kill, that's a bit scary!
Yep, quite a few cranes and ducks were in them as well.Quote:
Are the crane pools on the road in already flooded?
Some more shots from last weekend with some added effects for fun:)
Went out on an Audubon birding excursion the day before Sandy came through. It was a pretty poor day for it - drizzle or light rain most of the day, and pretty windy.
This is an 'Ipswich' Savannah Sparrow:
EOS 1D X, EF 600mm f/4L IS II + EF 2x III Extender, 1/500 s, f/8, ISO 1600
Below is an American Bittern, captured with the 600 II + 2xIII combo, handheld at 1/1600 s, f/8, ISO 3200.
Attachment 1533
@Joel, nice pp effect, very artistic!!!
@John, lots of details and quality blurry of background with 600mm+2x tc iii, great higher iso performance, very impressive!! teasing me, teasing me!!!
Thanks Jayson and JJphoto.
John, the 1DX and the 600 with the 2X TC is really delivering some amazing stuff.....the sharpness is unreal.....making me want one bad!
This is a Downy Woodpecker in the backyard
ISO 1000
Rainbow Lorikeet
Summer in the land of the Parrots. You know when they are about because you cannot fail to hear them. When its comes to finding them in the top of a tree, its not easy.
Canon 7D, EF 70-300L, ISO 250, f8, 1/500 @ 300mm.
Geese in Sunriver, OR getting ready to make a water stop on the way south.
Turkey. Vulture
Iso 1000
Certainly not the prettiest bird you've shot right there Joel. ;) Nice shot nonetheless.
Ring Necked Pheasant
500mm hand held
ISO 1000
That pheasant shot is superb, Joel! I only have one pheasant shot and it is of the bird walking down the road. Is this your first in flight? I don't recall you posting one before but I'm not in this thread too often lately.