I think this one is a Chuck-Will's Widow but its hard to tell for sure
5dii 100-400 @310mm 1/100th, f5.6 iso1000
Printable View
I think this one is a Chuck-Will's Widow but its hard to tell for sure
5dii 100-400 @310mm 1/100th, f5.6 iso1000
I thought I was keeping up with this thread. Obviously not...brilliant photos on this page everyone! :D
American Black Skimmer
Hand held
ISO 400
Great image Joel.
Thanks! Anyone that loves birds and bird photography should try to visit Ft. DeSoto in Florida at some point. Many species of shore birds are abundant and they tolerate people extraordinarily well. It is routine to approach the birds very closely if you take your time, get low and move slow. I was within 20 feet as I walked slowly past a group of about 100 of these Black Skimmers and Terns. This one flew in for a landing from behind me, I raised the camera and fired away while the rest of the flock didn't even flinch!
I finally got a shot at a Red Shouldered Hawk. This was at the Circle B Bar Reserve near Lakeland Florida. A fantastic wildlife refuge with extensive walking paths. We found something to photograph about every 50 yards as we took one of the trails that was 2 miles long.....man my shoulder was sore from the tripod!
ISO 1000
Anhinga close up
ISO 4000
580EXII + Better Beamer at 1/4 power
Still love looking at this thread! One of the best birding threads on the internet IMO!!
I still have so many old bird photos that I never did anything with. Here's an oldie but a goodie with new post-processing. I hope it's ok to post older shots here.
Old Photo_New Processing by Denise Trocio ( www.dtrociophotography.com), on Flickr
Very nice texturing and post processing of the SNowy Owl Denise, very cool, please keep posting!
Preening Anhinga
ISO 4000
Spring is here:D
Playing around with the new Kenko 1.4x TC on my 400 5.6 this morning. It AF'd fine at f8 on the 6D. These are pretty heavy crops, too.
Couple Downy WP shots.
Female Cardinal
Results are looking good Mark. The cardinal pose, sharpness, etc is great, but it would be a lot better if the bird were perching on something more natural.
Agree, the detail resolution looks very very good....I would even say you could do slightly less sharpening in post and be just fine with these images. I think the Cardinal pose is really nice but, to my old eyes, it looks a little over-sharpened.
PS Have you found a cheap source for peanuts?...'round here they are way too high to consider feeding them to wildlife
Agreed. I especially like the female cardinal.
Male Goldfinch changing into summer plumage
1DX + 300mm f/2.8L + 2X TCIII
Iso 3200
Thanks, Joel. I buy 50lb bags of peanut pickouts (not for human consumption) at a local feed store. I think the 50lb bag runs about $40. It lasts me 6 or 7 weeks, especially during the good weather when there are other food sources. I put out the peanuts and black oil sunflower seeds every day.
No it's not:mad:
Here is a Great Blue Heron doing a little hunting this morning as snow flakes fell around him (You can see the flakes in the first one).
7D, EF 100-400mm f/4-5.6L IS
1st at 400mm, f/5.6, 1/160 sec, ISO 200
2nd at 400mm, f/5.6, 1/200 sec, ISO 200
Great Blue Heron -6382 by westmichigan, on Flickr
Great Blue Heron -6429 by westmichigan, on Flickr
Beautiful images Pat....I guess I should have said spring is here in KY but not the UP?
House Finch on Blackberry stem
1DX + 300mm f/2.8L + 2x TCIII
ISO 3200
@Pat...very nice GBHs. Low angle, were you kayaking in the snow? If it makes you feel better, NH is not far behind. Today is the first day I am noticing small leaves on the roses. Everything else is still buds.
@Joel. A beauty of a shot. When's your book coming out? :)
Thanks Joel and Brant.
You have leaves... what are those:confused:
We have been talking about getting the kayaks out, but have not done so yet. These were really lazy shots... I dorve down to the boat launch to check out the lake and caught this bird out of the corner of my eye as we were driving out. So I shut the car off and started snapping pictures from the car. I waited a while because he was catching fish and I wanted a shot of a fish in it's beak, but every time he had a fish he was facing away, so I never did get the shot I wanted. He was getting a little jittery with me there so I left before he flew away and lost his productive hunting area (beside, it was getting cold in the car w/o the heater on :rolleyes:).
Pat, shooting from the car works quite well in many situations here in KY as well.....many times your subject will be more comfortable around a vehicle than a person on foot. I wouldn't consider it lazy:)
We have lots of new leaves now as you can see the nice light green background in this shot from the back yard. I am experimenting with some new filters with Topaz Clean, Topaz Detail and Nik Color Efex Pro.....what do you think?
500mm f/4L
ISO 1000
580 EXII + Better Beamer at 1/16 power
Your pictures are in general of a very high quality. I am inspired by them. Framing, colors, sharpness, DOF, bokeh etc. are normally great. It is almost as if this one is posing for you. With the light green background the picture becomes almost 3 dimensional.
Would be interesting if you could say something about how (on average) many shots you have for each keeper and also how much you crop etc.
Keep publishing!
Thanks Eldar....as you probably know, I am shooting in my back yard set up from a tripod so I have control over the distance to my subject by setting up perches near a feeder.
Because I can control the distance I do not have to crop too much, usually I take away much less than 1/2 the full frame. While shooting I do tend to move the AF point around to frame the birds as best as possible in camera and this allows less cropping as well.
My keeper rate is not extraordinarily high mostly because I am looking for unique or interesting poses and good light along with good detail resolution. I also do not tend to use the high frame rate in the yard....I tend to wait for the right pose and shoot one or two frames and then wait some more. I feel OK if I get one or two really good shots out of 50, not because they aren't technically good but just not very interesting. I have many shots of the routine visitors to my yard so I get more and more selective over time. I sometimes will have taken less than 100 shots in 2 or 3 hours even though there is fairly constant bird traffic at the feeder and perches.
A Burrowing owl from this morning
A Barred owl from last week
A black neck stilt from two weeks ago
Nice owls Nick - I like the way you framed them.
Here's a bluebird from this morning.
Attachment 1811
5DMKIII, 600 f4L II + 1.4X III, f8, 1/500, ISO 1600, better beamer on Canon 600EX, -1 & 2/3 flash fill.
Attachment 1812
Another one - strongly backlit yesterday evening. Same camera details at 1/800.
some red to go with the blue - same camera details except ISO800, 1/500, f8.
Attachment 1813
Great shots Nick.....love the owls, they're on my "wish list". There are Barred Owls, Great Horned Owls and Barn Owls here in Ky but I have not be fortunate enough to get a good look at one yet:)
Beautiful light and details on that first Bluebird Vern....very nicely done, I am really wanting that 600mm II but can't make up my mind....I would have to sell both my 500 and 300 as well in order to handle the expense and I just can't make my mind up to do it:)
Your backgrounds are always so clean and the bokeh you create really makes the bird pop out. This one would be an all time best for me, but for your shots you usually have a bit more contrast difference between the bird and the background. With the light color of the background and the lightness of the bird (especially the breast), the bird gets lost a little. This is just persoanal taste, but since you asked, I prefer the House Finch background... it makes the bird pop more. Again, I do not imply it is not a great shot, but I think I prefer the higher contrast between the bird and background.
Great shots Nick and Vern. Looks like Joel has some competition again (oh, yeah, nice shots Joel!)
Hi Joel, The jay is a great pose. I need to put some proper perches near my feeders (assuming that is what you used for this shot). I usually rely on some nearby trees, but with the leaves closing in there is often something in the way. The 600 hurts the pocket book, but the performance alone and w the 1.4X III is superb - you should see the RAW file of that bluebird on a big monitor. That said, I have been using my 300 2.8II w the 2X III lately for walking around avian photos. I also carry the 600 but need a monopod whereas the 300 + 2X is easy to handhold. I guess you know how the 600 handles if you have the version I 500. I think your avian interest and talent means you NEED the 600.;)
@Joel IMO the House Finch on Blackberry stem is one of your current best
Downy Woodpecker
ISO 3200
580 EXII + Better Beamer at 1/16 power
Red Bellied Woodpecker
ISO 3200
No flash
It was a Woodpecker fest this afternoon when I got home....I got images of the above 2 species but also was able to spot (from a distance) a Pileated Woodpecker, a Hairy Woodpecker and a Red Headed Woodpecker all from my back porch at the same time! This is the first time I have seen a Red Headed Woodpecker in the backyard.....hoping he'll visit the perches soon! I have seen the Pileated's for a long time but they are my nemesis.....haven't got a good image yet:mad: