Thanks Joel. They let me get pretty close.
And Pat - wow!!! Did you seek out those eagles specifically?
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great shots of the ABEs
They seem to like eating Ducks and Coots which were really abundant at this location... so luckly we found one sitting in a tree overlooking the pond. I went to get some duck shots, but always keep an eye out for eagles just in case.
A few more from yesterday:
Need help identifying this one... anyone have any idea what this is?:confused: It was the size of a coot or small duck, but had more of a beak instead of a bill.
2513 by westmichigan, on Flickr
Lesser Scaup-2498 by westmichigan, on Flickr
I should have cleaned up the tree fuzz floating in the water on this one.
American Coot-2491 by westmichigan, on Flickr
I believe it's a Horned Grebe
I do not know my birds but found it through use of this site ->
warming slightly in my area- so seeing more birds- now we have Geese AND Gulls
more waxwings at the park as well... they like to stay in the treetops and I can't get close enough for decent shot (cropped)
Beautiful shots, Pat! I don't believe I have ever seen a horned grebe ...interesting looking bird!
You can always tell when one thing or another is keeping me from getting out and shooting post-processing goes over-board!
I'm Gonna Fly by Denise Trocio (, on Flickr
That would make a great tattoo Denise.
Nice shot, very artistic.
put the starst and stripes in the right corner and you can sell it as a large print (not joking).
Something like this ....?
Eagle_Flag by Denise Trocio (, on Flickr