Those are some lovely cardinal photos. I really like the separation from the background in these shots.
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Those are some lovely cardinal photos. I really like the separation from the background in these shots.
dseigel, the female cardinal in particular is outstanding!
so many beautiful birds, time for ugly ones. Taken on the same day trip as the road pictures.
I cropped out the mangled opossum they were fighting over.
101 _MG_8032 by ahab1372, on Flickr
101 _MG_8038 by ahab1372, on Flickr
Taken in my front yard a few minutes ago. The asphalt driveway and grass make a natural gradient for the BG.
500mm + 1.4 TC
ISO 400
Thanks Pat! Here's one from today at the same setup
Joel - It is hard to get better than that.
Thought I would post one last bird photo in this thread. It's not one of my best but these were one my favorite birds to photograph. I never even saw one until I started photography and was thrilled to attract them to my backyard in the spring.
Baltimore Oriole by Denise Trocio (, on Flickr
I'm just catching up after a couple of weeks off-line in Chile.
Nick, those shots of the gulls from a couple of weeks ago are amazing.
Joel, I always enjoy the quality and clarity of your bird images. I can't wait to get my hands on a lens like that.
Denise, I hope that's not the last bird photo you will be posting. I really hope next year turns out better for you.
Now for some pictures of birds from Chile. I think most of these species are new to the forum
Southern Lapwing on the shore of Lake Llanquihue by Andrew Stringer, on Flickr
Giant Coot Building a Nest by Andrew Stringer, on Flickr
Burrowing Owl by Andrew Stringer, on Flickr
Andean Flamingo in Flight by Andrew Stringer, on Flickr
Andean Avocet by Andrew Stringer, on Flickr
[QUOTE=ddt0725;79475]Thought I would post one last bird photo in this thread
No,s a gorgeous Oriole but we will not let you go!